How could we have thought it was as homely as Beulah, Myrtle, or Gertrude? ©2020 Verizon Media. And of course, there's me, Marozia (a form of Maria).I'm Brook, I Have 1 daughter Victoria Jo (Tori) And i'm pregnant with my second girl and she is due next week!

I am totally in love with names. Top 100 Baby Names in 1970. I really like the name if I have a girl. HubPagesCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. All beautiful, talented and famous.

i'm 23 weeks and have my heart set on Doris Avelyn (first/middle names) for my little girl, but am yet to convince DH.

I love the combination of including both grandfathers whom I loved dearly and respected as well as my wonderful brother.I love vintage names. All rights reserved. We all have names that you would never think of on your own, but once you hear them, your like "Oh yeah. I always thought it was a neat name, but my husband said NO. )I named my 4 children Emerson and Everett for the boys, Emilia and Eliza for the girls. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.My baby girl is due in August. What names do you love, and what names do you hate? Hope it makes a comebackMy grandaughter's name is Agnes and we love it! i wanna name my child this and pair it with Elizabeth for a middle name. ©2020 Verizon Media.

So for the rest of my babies i was really drawn to older more unique names. Mine are Sophia Josephine Jaqueline, Constance Justine Clementine, Haven James Sabastian,Ophelia Eugenia Phillipa, Imogene Ernestine Claudette, Henry Soren Oliver, Maximilian Draven Vinson, Tallulah Prestley Benia, Willowdean Adelaide Opal, Pippa Ariadne Onabliss, and Azreal Jemison Ilya-Neriah on the way! Its pretty old and I have had 5 Modesta's in my family. They are so fun to look thru, im looking for a name for my sister who has 3 boys and pregnant with number 4 , who we are hoping is a girl!This was a fun article. Ebba: An unusual name for Americans, but it is popular is Sweden.This is a good alternative for Emma. But a lot of people I've asked is not sure it's a good name.My daughter's name is Teye (rhymes with 'eye'), Egyptian for "Promised to the Goddess Neith".My mum is Sophie, and my MGM is Ivana (Joanna in English). In the recent past, they've been given to baby girls by parents who feel obligated to name their little girl after a grandmother, great-grandmother, or great-aunt. Thanks for your ind words, and for that tidbit about Edwina.

Libby, ella, miles, audrey, and ruby. I’m pregnant with my third girl and are debating going with Dottie (my maternal grandmothers nick name)Our two girls are named Gloria Juliana Magdalena and Lauren Olivia Cerise. I really want Dottie for a first name but he won't hear of it, so Doris/Dorothea are my alternative suggestions. Unique names don't have to be new and invented: They can also be vintage names revived from either the near or distant past. Mary was the #1 name for all three decades.These are names of real princesses from England, Russia, Spain, and France.If you like sophisticated aristocratic names, you may also like this list of Perhaps the retro trend will eventually bring the names below back to the top of the list, but at the present time, they sound drab, harsh, or archaic.

Much lovelier than Madison and McKenzie, in my humble opinion.My husband and I are expecting a girl in February and we both love the name Seraphina Leona (Middle). I'm also quite fond of Ivy.Millie Eve, Lola Jean and Lottie Belle are our special girls names which I think are very vintage retro cool names... Of course!

LivvLaa. George Clooney's sister goes by this name, and her nickname is Ada. I love Lacey but im not sure, please help! I’d love to use it as it belonged to my great great grandmother.I'm 15 and I have four younger siblings.

For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name.

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