I'd say the only down side I've found to that combo is that I keep my Smith full of Buffalo Bore's 305 gr rounds, and the Marlin won't accept rounds that length.I have a Ruger Blackhawk Hunter that is one of the smoothest shooting 44's I have ever shot. Moving down in size, my next choice in .44 Magnum excellence is the new Model 69. The ability to quickly load and especially UNLOAD ammo from the tube is a huge plus in a hunting rifle. Some interference from revolver, have to align the notch to slide it forward. I have a S&W 629 V-Comp Performance Center .44 magnum that is the finest DA revolver I've ever shot.
I am especially critical about the functions and accuracy of my guns.
Good balance for a gun with a 7 1/2" barrel and accuracy is outstanding.Great article- really enjoyed reading it. It is the End of the Trail edition model 94. I am especially critical about the functions and accuracy of my guns. I love it !!!
Smith & Wesson 629-1 044 Magnum 8.5 barrel Factory Egraved .44 Remington Magnum This is a S&W Model 629 CLASSIC STAINLESS double action revolver chambered in 44 Magnum, serial number CCY3895 manufactured September 1998 according to S&W. Nonetheless, I'm still happy I got the Smith.
At least.Known for their quality and their faithfulness to the original design, these aren’t safe queens. I also remember my best friend trying to do a single handed "Dirty Harry" shot which resulted with a waffle hammer print in his forehead, knocked him on his butt.
According to S&W I shouldn't shoot anything heavier than a 305 grain bullet @ 1300 fps and even those should be fired as little as possible or risk damaging the gun.
Doesn't ware on my hip like the ruger i had.My .44 mag Ruger Redhawk kicks major butt!
It is literally a blast to shoot and it is incredibly sexy IMHO. The fact that the Model 69 is so small can be a problem.
Select your address 44 magnum lever action.
I don’t know about you, but there’s something comforting about knowing I could put a hurt on a Cape Buffalo even if he’s hiding behind my refrigerator.And while it doesn’t quite stack up as the most powerful handgun cartridge in the world anymore, it still packs quite a lot of punch in a self-defense scenario against a two-legged threat as well..44 Magnum probably isn’t the ideal choice for a self-defense weapon, and good luck carrying one concealed. I'd like a Big Boy in 44 too, also not to be.Hey brother, do you have any suggestions for a good set of grips for the Super Redhawks?
You can't have it....periodGreat article.
The revolver has a beautiful blue finish w Smith & Wesson 29-10 .44 Magnum caliber revolver. Got three shoot ‘em ups in .44 Mag. I reload my own using Nolster 240 and 300-grain bullets. I hope I’ve answered your questions and shed some light on the ins and outs of this great caliber. An absolute peach.I scanned this article, and checked the images and captions, funny as heck!
Planning to get a Smith X frame 460 soon . Don’t fire it anymore ‘ cause it gets it dirty and returns that nasty cylinder turn ring I polished out in ‘82. The only downside to the S&W models is the inability to shoot hotter ammo. According to S&W I shouldn't shoot anything heavier than a 305 grain bullet @ 1300 fps and even those should be fired as little as possible or risk damaging the gun. No, I’m no hero. A 44 is just too destructive to use as a self protection weapon. The stock ones aren't worth a damn. Out of all the .44 Magnums I tested last year, this one was a personal favorite.
Great article and a great, truly American cartridge!+1 for a 629 with a 3" barrel.
On a practical note, the frankly ridiculous weight makes recoil incredibly light, and indeed this may be the lightest recoiling .44 Mag handgun on the market.
The firearm comes with the factory box and paperwork.
I have one in .45 Colt that is simply fantastic. Pure butter.
I have shot .5 groups at 100 yards and enjoy my .44 mag because I can.
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