Needless to say I got tired of duckingMGI makes a take-down gun that is named the “Hydra” which is also multi-caliber with kits from .22 LR up to and including a .50 Beowulf. I stole one from an inexpensive starter AR(Stag model1+) I have a 2 stage tactical trigger and an PRS stock ready to assemble for it..I bought one of Mr. Alexander’s early .50 Beowulfs, and I’m here to tell you, they’re a ton of fun.

Just thought I would get the word out that Radical is building them and are much cheaper than the AA variety.

THE GOD DAMNED NEW GUN JAMMED ON THE FIRST ROUND. Big-bore AR chamberings such as the .50 Beowulf (l.) offer terminal ballistics far in excess of the platform’s typical small-bore .223 Rem.

Maybe half a box ought to re-balance the old Yin and Yang, I’m thinking. We tried to dig some expanded bullets out of the berm for photographs, but we didn’t have a steam shovel.Power is one thing and accuracy is another. The ejection port is larger, of course, and there’s a forward assist.Removing the bolt carrier group (BCG) for a look-see, there’s another apparent difference. They also make other conversion kits for .40 S&W, .45, .300 Blackout, 6.5, 6.8, as well as some others. As the leader in the field, we manufacture the best and most reliable weapons. Every single person who has shot it, loves the gun.. And I always bring extra ammo for the range for them to try.“…I also hear tell that it’s a fine platform for traditional rounds such as the .243 Winchester…”You cannot run a 243 Winchester through an AR-15. Alexander Arms oversees all aspects of the production of the system and related accessories. With a suppressor.12″ pistol upper w/ pepper pot brake $921.99 from Midwayusa.AWC makes their “Thundertrap” suppressor in 50 Beowulf as well. I took a buffalo with it, and have reduced numerous metal plate targets and bowling pins to scrap.

That upper costs $1,012 plus the cost of upgrades. The rush of hot gases is powerful enough to blow your hair back as effectively, but perhaps not as pleasantly, as a Trojan brand personal joy buzzer.Recoil, while prodigious when compared to the light 5.56, is manageable. The whole process takes a few minutes and is extremely easy to do.

Plus I’ve dealt with Bill Alexander when I had some questions about a different rifle and he’s a really great guy who cares very much about his customers and the company’s customer service is also excellent. can’t wait to read your next reviewRalph, you want pictures of expansion from the ‘wulf, here ya go.Here’s the recovered slug, bullet is a 335 Ranier HP in my handloads @ 1812 MV, range was a lased 41 yards, deer dropped at the shot with one back leg kickEd, those are Hornady 300gr FTX (flex tip, expanding)Tried some in my reloads and their terminal performance was lacking compared to the 335 Rainier HPI ordered some on the 21st and recived them on the 25th. Check out the two holes at 9 o’clock on this target. The Numbers on the .50 Beowulf. Mostly later.By the time your new upper arrives, you’re going to be as excited as the time you had your first blind date with your first sure thing. If you were considering getting one but were scared off by the long wait times you should know there are no current delays.If I wasn’t clear, there is some sloppy customer service here but fortunately the people who actually designed and built the gun are top notch!Finally got to the range and guess what. I’ve been toying with a .458 socom, but it looks like the .50 ammo is a bit cheaper.Got lucky at a gunshop 2 years ago and picked up my Beowulf on a S&W MP-15 lower plus 60 rounds of ammo, soft case , bipod for $700.00.Love to go to our farm and hit coyotes and feral dogs..rolls them up like a .22 does a soda can.Mine is on a RRA receiver. Mandate .50 Beowulf as the round allowed for civilian use and no one will be able to carry more than ten rounds…Not to mention having to walk around with a massive erection from carrying that much problem solving.You’ll need a drum mag to carry more than 10 rounds (40 round pmag not included).Only if I can get it in a pistol version. The .50 Beowulf is the biggest, nastiest cartridge that actually cycles out of the AR-15 platform. 223, 308, or 243. I bet you also think a bullet button makes an AR full auto lolI like the big crisp round holes it punches in paper. We know, because we used traditional double-stack 5.56 mags, including PMags and C-Products metal mags, and they all functioned perfectly as single-stack .50 Beowulf mags.For shooters who live in AWB states, having Beowulf-only magazines may be an advantage. We do not produce custom weapons. For wild pig hunting, the rifle is without equal and is being used not only by hunters, but by game control agencies as well.

Where else can you have a 5.56 AR carbine for whatever and then in a matter of seconds swap out uppers to get a compact, semi-automatic, big game rifle with quick change box mags then, in a matter of seconds, swap uppers again and have a perfect hunting or looooong range target rifle (the 6.5 Grendel)? The external ballistics of the.50 Beowulf® cartridge are well-suited to urban environments where the shorter range template allows for more flexible application and the large projectile energy delivered by the ammunition can disable both motor vehicles and assailants with body armor.

The same reliable combination of heavy, large-diameter bullets and moderate velocities enable the .50 Beowulf® to tackle the largest game animals found in North America and it has been used against elk, buffalo, and bear with superb results.Providing a semi-automatic, light-carbine with the performance of the venerable 45-70 rifle, the .50 Beowulf® has found wide acceptance with military and law enforcement agencies. We didn’t fling a ton of lead downrange, so I can’t represent our testing as a full 500 round shoulder crushing shoot ‘em up. I would like any reloading data you may have in any weights of bullets and type powder and of course how much powder. Shipping was a non issue. A week later I got a reply to the first question with no acknowledgement that I had actually placed an order a week earlier.I placed the order on a Friday and on Saturday my next door neighbor, who owns a big gun shop in Punxsutawney, PA, faxed the paperwork.Monday I got an email saying I had to send paperwork from a dealer.

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