I have erred on not researching further the source that I included in the post. If you do, kindly leave a comment again with your url so I can return the visit. The populated islands of Visayas were struck by an earthquake of magnitude M w 7.6. I think the vehement attack is unwarranted. I am American and speak English, but the bold type and dates led me to believe I should be crucified for false information. =)Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Come share with me, my travels, my stories, my life! A tsunami warning was announced within the Pacific area and was later lifted after two hours. Keep reporting and doing the hard work you have. That’s the very reason Ms Lovely why I always indicate my source(s) and link to them so everyone who is reading my blog can check it for themselves. And also please note I approved your comment in the spirit of fairness and openness.I allow comments from readers that favors me and readers not pleased with me. There have been approximately 40 events of M6 and above over the past 40 years, within 250 km of this earthquake. I have apologized and have made corrections right away on the error the moment I’ve been made aware of it.Even Ms Buen so who is the concerned person this being in front of her house have graciously accepted the apology. :)Latest Update: Tsunami warning lifted at 12:10 am September 1 by PHIVOLCS :Residents can now go back to their homes if they so chooses but I think spending the night at the evacuation centers is more prudent.Picture of damages brought upon by the August 31 Earthquake that hit Eastern Philippines. Listen to the audio pronunciation of 2012 Samar Earthquake on pronouncekiwi. And salamat din sa reminder about how far reaching blogs can be and that bloggers like me should be careful of what we do and write, sources included.I hope this incident will not deter you from checking my blog again as I may need more eyes to catch any mistake I may make (although I will really try not to make more mistake). If you are not that ignorant about blogging, then make your own “blogg” (as spelled by you).. nuff said!!! It lasted so long that everyone was afraid and froze on the spot. Again, salamat po. The earthquake has a depth of 45 km (27.9 miles). It may not be enough for you and thus you may want to exact more ways to make me sorry, that is your call. This has been last Feb pa, I hope okay na ulit yung road by now.Cille Anne, don’t feel bad, I don’t know if you had the same photo I had, but she ripped into me in a language familiar to what you have here. A kind commenter ( Thanks to Ms Buen below) have pointed out that the picture was that of the Guihulhngan Earthquake last February 2012 and not the Samar Earthquake of August 2012. Most of those earthquakes were the result of normal faulting within the shallower oceanic lithosphere rather than deeper reverse faulting like this event.After the initial earthquake, the power supply was cut off in affected areas after power lines were damaged. I was with my whole clan attending a birthday party and we were at the 6th floor when the tremors hit Cebu. Many of her topics are very relevant and has been written in a very honest way.

Anyhow, thanks for the kind words and NO, I have no intention of stopping myself from writing about happenings and causes. Samar, Philippines has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours 1 earthquake in the past 30 days; 11 earthquakes in the past 365 days We make mistakes!Not sure about the pic but what I really don’t get is why be so angry when a kind word of correction and reminder will do, case in point Ms Buen’s refined way of handling things.We are all here trying to get the word out to encourage help for the victims, not maligned anyone. An earthquake off the coast of Samar occurred on August 31, 2012, at 20:47 local time (12:47 UTC) in the Philippines. I hope the local government of these provinces are ready for these kind of emergencies.Be safe everyone and let’s hope no lives were lost. Epicenter happened in the Pacific Ocean about 100 kms off the coast of Guiuan in Samar Island.

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