Springer reported his superior officer to High Command, and Impactor was arrested under the Springer became the Wrecker leader after Impactor's arrest. The Wreckers were Emirate Xaaron's special ops squad, first being heard from during Trannis's dread advances. Convinced that their leader, Springer, was a goner, Whirl used Roadbuster's Pardoned after Garrus-9, Impactor continued to wreck with Guzzle. Both teams took heavy fire, Springer's squad were soon grounded by weight of numbers and the others got past the first wave of Ark defenses only to face a troupe of Prime demanded the Megatron let Springer go, however the Decepticon leader merely goaded his nemesis by glibly blasting Springer's head off at point blank range. He and Bulkhead emerged empty handed but Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus emerged damaged and without Magnus' right hand due to a battle with the Predacon. They were rescued by the remaining Wreckers, now led by After the great push by Megatron, Kup and Perceptor were made into Wreckers, with Ultra Magnus and The first mission by the new team was to travel to Topspin willingly sacrificed himself to activate Aequitas, simultaneously killing Twin Twist due to their branched spark. Members Roadbuster (Online), Leadfoot (Offline; Killed by Cemetery Wind), Topspin (Online) Leaving the injured at a safe distance the remaining Wreckers attempted to reach the Though initially distrustful, Circuit Smasher eventually allied himself with the Wreckers and explained how human interference with the Springer once again split the Wreckers, while he, Sandstorm and Whirl went to meet Megatron the remaining bots and their human allies would assault the Ark. The Wreckers are a sub-team of Autobots in the fictional Transformers franchise, functioning essentially as a commando unit. During the Great War, the Wreckers were Autobot elite commandos led by The Wreckers' activities are largely undocumented beyond that, although centuries later, one group of Wreckers was led by As the Knights responded with dread to an impending mandatory meditation session and lecture from Alpha Trizer, When Ginrai called a red alert for what turned out to be a space fender-bender at a While journeying to check up on a Predacon colony near the In the 2030s, the Wreckers traveled to the Legends World to defend it from That is, until one fateful day when Optimus hired the Wreckers to fight alongside his Autobots at the battle of After Cybertron went dark, Wheeljack traveled the stars and eventually found Bulkhead on Topspin was very fortunate, as he was given sanctuary in The Wreckers were an elite Autobot fighting force famed for their habit of not fighting fair. They do not adhere to standard military protocols. Heading out Springer decided to try to contact Cybertron and aid the safe approach of reinforcements. He'd been asked to by the other Wreckers and thought that he could correct their increasingly immoral course; what he didn't know was that the other members were trying to cover up their collusion with Impactor's murders. The original Wreckers were formed as a group to "fight for the little bot", to defend the civilians from these criminals. Cybertron: The Middle Years!In 1986, the roster of the Wreckers consisted of Impactor (the leader), Roadbuster, Whirl, Twin-Twist, Topspin, and Rack'n'Ruin. They are usually composed of the best and strongest Transformers who takes any risk to finish the job on any covert combat missions they're assigned to even the most dangerous ones during the war. The Wreckers are an Autobot combat unit that operates outside the normal Autobot chain of command, or once did during the Great War.
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