But, it's not the kindest. If this was Geralt's wish, then he also would have been using the loophole of a djinn not being able to kill its master to save Yennefer. (yes, even the old Polish show is welcome here), but preferably giving emphasis on the source material. Geralt of Rivia, a solitary monster hunter, struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than beasts. Geralt’s initial intention was to wish for whatever it was that Yennefer truly wanted. It's not very friendly to lead Geralt on and then move for the exit as soon as the opportunity presents itself.Geralt, in the end, is responsible for the escape of the djinn, since he was the one with the three wishes, to begin with. Both Yen and Geralt also attempt to have a child together, but are unable to because they are both infertile. But more than likely, his wish was that their destinies would be bound, since the idea of destiny plays such a big role in the books and the TV series. Yet, he keeps coming back and being surprised when she walks away.Geralt and Yennefer's relationship has always been more romantic and problematic than friendly. Yen might still believe that their destinies’ being bound would explain why she felt so drawn to him.Do the books or games give us any more hints about Geralt’s wish?In the books, the author doesn’t quite spell out what he wished for, readers have said. Hilarity ensues.In the show, Geralt wants to djinn to, as he puts it, cure insomnia, but Yennefer calls this ridiculous and Jaskier says he’s trying to put “salve on a tumor”, so likely he was looking for the djinn to remove his link to his child surprise, but it’s never actually said.That's the problem, it's never explained like I want to be.

Here’s an interesting comment on Reddit about the topic based on the books:The idea that Geralt could see through Yennefer immediately and fell in love with her  "A what?" If this was Geralt's wish, then he also would have been using the loophole of a djinn not being able to kill its master to save Yennefer. A wisp of smoke, a crack of thunder, a slight shimmer in the air. The floaty fellas with the the bad tempers and the banned magics, that kind of genie?" The release of Netflix’s The Witcher is here. It's clear he is smitten. "A djinn." I don't get why Geralt likes Jaskier.

Powered by Here's a deeper look at what Geralt might have wished for regarding Yennefer, and a look at what the books have told us. She's a YA connoisseur, Star Wars enthusiast, Harry Potter fanatic, Mets devotee, and trivia aficionado. So I will catch djinn because why not?In the books, it’s found by accident. In the books just as with many other stories, the fact that Geralt and Jaskier find a Djin who in turn leads them to Yennefer is random. It's magic. The djinn.

Using her magic, she is able to get a mind-wiped Geralt to attack the villagers who did her wrong before he even arrived. The pair could never be real friends because their attraction to one another makes their interactions volatile and keeps them from discussing other important aspects of who they are and who they want to be.Despite his protests, Geralt has a best friend, his name is Jaskier. If Geralt had wished for her to love him, it explains better why she got so angry at him, seemingly thinking that her feelings for him are nothing more than emotions caused by a genie’s wish. It also explains why Geralt and Yen 'break up'. "For a dj For a djinn?

She was able to get under his skin with her magic like no one else had and he was clearly under one of her spells just shortly before. I haven't read the books or played Witcher 1 or 2 but I have watched some of Witcher 2 and in that as well Geralt's main romance choice is Triss. They are unable to concieve, and get frustrated with each other, and also why they 'make up' when Ciri runs off to find Geralt. This is one of the many times the writers exchanged actual themes and story structure for someone saying destiny...He literally screams and yells the reason to Dandelion. Geralt dives for cover, but Dandelion feels he knows exactly what is happening and holds his gr… It’s in this lake somewhere and I can’t f*****g sleep!” While fans of the show assumed this was the root of why Geralt was looking for the djinn, that may not be the case after all.

It's hard to have a real friendship with anyone when a character is as completely selfish as Yennefer seems to be.Geralt and Yennefer are great fighting partners when they decide to protect the dragon they were once hunting in the first season's "Rare Species" episode. That's not really what friends do, even when they disagree. Geralt cuts it even closer, too, since the genie's physical form is inches away from killing Yennefer when he finally acts: The djinn opened his mouth and stretched his paws towards her. They make it clear that he does.

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