What about the French for instance? I cannot do this in German and honestly do not know if the Germans can.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castEnglish-language discussions and news relating to Germany and German culture.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Even a stupid, clownish idiot can see how stupid, clownish and idiotic our politicians are.This is just brilliant! Do you believe that this cultural difference is a function of the differences in language or something else? German humour is not "bad", it is German, and and as such it is simply The best way to understand where Germans are coming from is to remember that Germans like a sense of order -- that's a crass generalization, of course, but it does underpin a lot of German culture. I am German, too, and since Loriot died I have yet to find a humourist that makes me at least chuckle a bit. For example, I can manipulate English words with prefixes and suffixes that change the meaning- even if the new word is not technically a word. His role, essentially, is to take the audience out of their humdrum existence and transport them to a place where absurdity rules. OK, they're not all bad, but about 90% of them are. And then we go back to work on Ash Wednesday and be productive members of society again.Out of curiosity, do you have more summaries of comedic nationalities? (This is all, by the way, generalization: there are always exceptions to the rule, sometimes quite a large number.) Or Italian humor? Asking why German comedy is so bad is like asking why the German language is so bad -- it isn't bad, but if you don't understand it, it won't make any sense to you. I would quite like to take a middle-aged German to a British funeral just to see their reaction.And that informs comedy.
Here's why fugly fashion should not be attempted by everyone. Shoppers want impact and menswear editors want those hero pieces that stand out from all the high street homogeneity: backless loafers with a fake-fur trim; hypebeast trainers that resemble orthopaedic shoes; hi-vis workmen’s gilets worn as legit outerwear items; shirts with an extra arm; hats that resemble gimp masks; Patagonia fleeces in lurid colours worn with no hint of irony; It is easy to trace fugly’s origin story, that moment in menswear when all those flamboyant Gvasalia is also the creative director of Balenciaga and, arguably, it was their barge-like But fugly should not be attempted by everyone. He is not at all quick-witted or funny in himself, but his observations on life are recognisable to us all. “Some German words are so long that they have a perspective,” quipped Mark Twain, in his 1880 book ‘A Tramp Abroad’. He's just a Cindy aus Marzahn with a snazzier hipster look.Well you have to look in the second row. If you doubt this assessment, try comparing the original British version of the sitcom The German comedy hero is a clown. In many older german comedy shows there were actually a variety of noises that were used to signal the pointe of a joke, similar to a laughing track. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts So, if Fast Fashion is the industry’s foolhardy white hare, now we finally have a cute tortoise to put our money on. 2) Trends are changing so quickly that we cannot keep up. March 22, 2019 Elizabeth Holmes made a habit of only buttoning the bottom button of her blazers. And, damn, Oliver Pocher? Cindy aus Marzahn wasn't too bad, but it seems they have to have a "gimmick", and once that's been beaten to death a few times, they patter out. There are a few english ones that still make me laugh no matter how often i have seen the videos (Izzard, Chappelle, Carlin are examples).There are really some hilarious german shows (Mord mit Ausicht, Der Tatortreiniger, Balko[the early shows], Neues aus der Anstalt are examples) but stand up comedians aren't among them.On the other hand, lots and lots of people go to their shows (Barth is undeniable extremely successful) and love their stand up routines. Whenever I see german comedians I tend to run for the hills. Sure, there are some editors who can pull it off with maverick aplomb. The whole concept of having a certain time to be funny, the "Session" from 11.11. at precisely 11:11 in the morning to Ash Wednesday is crazy to me and must be completely batshit to anybody who isn't german.But as you observed correctly we germans like our order and we like to be told when it is appropriate do dress crazy, get wasted in public and fuck whoever we want. Why Is Scammer Style So Bad? But one that Germans can sometimes get very defensive about -- they start talking about their love of "British comedy", by which they mean Mr Bean, Benny Hill and Little Britain.Okay, so first off it's important to understand humour as an aspect of culture. Like that Turkish guy with long hair who pretends he's a Metalhead...how does he sell tickets? He used to be hilarious about ten years ago. (Otto, Michermeier are examples i found very funny when i was young but at a certain age it stopped being funny. We fired them so much that they got red hot and began to cook off. From this vantage point, he points back to the real world, and explains to us why the real world is actually just as dumb and clownish as this fantasy land.This is why Germans do biting political satire, which achieves its most sublime heights during the season of Karneval. People take to the stage dressed in the most ridiculous fashion, affecting the most ridiculous accents, and basically behaving like stupid idiots. There are very, very few stand up comedians that could make me laugh and those who once did couldn't do it anymore when i grew older. "Another one I gotta attack: Stefan Raab. It has become a challenge to wear a garment more than five times. A couple good ones exist, but that's about it.IMO so far the real comedy in german televion comes from satires and cabaret. Fashion’s major influencers are clashing with conventionFor many dedicated fashion voyeurs, thumbing through one’s IG feed and scanning all the latest street-style looks during the men’s shows is pure brain-nuking entertainment.
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