Walter does not understand the allusion and thinks George is making up Prometheus.
George called him this because walter was playing with the … He was immortal and larger than life, similar to Walter's description of himself as "a giant—surrounded by ants." George’s final insult, or witty “comeback”, exploited Walter’s ignorance due to the fact that Walter has had liitle or no schooling, so he does not know who Prometheus is. Naw-just to talk proper and read books and wear them funny-looking white shoes…” Walter does not really know anything about school.
So, it was only fitting that George would call Walter “Prometheus.”I too agree with Hannah. Another way of answering this question could be to point out that Walter feels as though he is being punished for all the bad of man-kind and needs to be treated better and he is sort of an under dog, just like the mythological character Prometheus who was punished for his attempt to better man-kind.When Walter says “I see you all all the time-with the books tucked under your arms-going to you ‘clahsses”.it makes me want to agree with Hannah in saying that he was making a comparison between how George is a know it all to the mythical titan Prometheus, who is intelligent and believes he knows everything.Surprise! Mikalee was right when she said that he didn’t have the right to make fun of him.I also agree with Hannah. Answered by tracey c #171707 on 6/24/2011 8:07 PM Promeathus was the god of fire. i also agree with HannahI agree with Hannah, he is acting like a know it all. Why does George Murchison call Walter “Prometheus”?First of all, Prometheus is known in Greek mythology. I definitely think that George’s comeback was in an attempt to exploit Walter’s ignorance and to prove that being learned makes you better. George, offended, felt that Walter shouldn’ t criticize without knowing the facts and details.
It also becomes more insulting because Walter does not recognize the allusion to this figure.Summer does bring to the table an important opnion. So thats the reason George called him a “Prometheus.”“Well, they look crazy…white shoes as cold as it is.” That was just the first of the insults that Walter Lee was using to take stabs at George. In Greek mythology Prometheus was the fire-bringer and protector of humanity who was punished by Zeus for his actions. Get your answers by asking now.Millions face potential eviction as protections expire'Saved by the Bell' teaser nods to memorable storylineAn astronomer's advice for watching the meteor showerVideo shows police trying to handcuff 8-year-old boyReport: Another football conference opts out of 2020 Trump slammed for saying '1917' flu led to end of WWII
I think George is calling Walter on acting smarter than he really is. Prometheus was also known for presuming he knew everything, and this is just what Walter is doing: taking a little book-learning as the greatest knowledge in the world, without any practical experience to back it up. Walter was drunk on this night so he was just speaking his mind in a slur. One instance in which he insults George is on page 51 when Walter says: “They teaching you haw to run a rubber plantation or a steel mill? Walter is like Prometheus in his attitude, and consequently, their fates are similar. Walter thinks he knows everything about college, about what they learn there, and most importantly, all about Murchison. Walter, having led to his own demise by insulting George while ignorant, set himself up for the insult. "... Walter, too, is chained [in his poverty] , and likewise, his obsessive dream restores what his frustrations devour. It is also said that Prometheus was a “challenger.” I think that means that he argued with what a lot of what people said, kind of like Walter does.
This is why George calls Walter “Prometheus.” In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a figure who had wily intelligence, and believed he knew everything. It was this intelligence that led him to steal fire, and end up getting his liver eaten out by birds for eternity.I think George is calling Walter on acting smarter than he really is. George exploiting that “tool”, came back with a comment that was completely accurate while confusing Walter.
Asked by ivana t #171559 on 2/28/2011 4:28 PM Last updated by aniya h #439317 on 4/27/2015 12:45 PM Answers 2 Add Yours. Unfortunately, this didn’t really work out for him because (p. 52) when Walter says, “Who is Prometheus?” it’s not really getting the point across.
And for what! That is why George calls Walter “Prometheus”.At first, George was unsure of what to say to Walter because at the time all George could say was “You’re all wacked up with bitterness, man.” (page 51). Walter believes that his ideas are better than any one else and that he needs to be an angry black man against the world to make his way.
41. Who is Prometheus, and why does George call Walter by that name? Home A Raisin in the Sun Q & A why did george call walter a pro... A Raisin in the Sun why did george call walter a promethues. He imphasized that you may go to school to get smarter, but it doesn’t teach you how to be a man. How does the arrival of George Murchison change the mood of the scene? Prometheus challenged the rules of the gods and stole fire for mankind. Answered by Aslan on 5/1/2016 5:05 PM Promeathus was the god of fire.
Since Prometheus was known for his sly intelligence, George was implying, in a sarcastic way, that Walter knew everything.
She looks like she got burnt legs or something!” I also agree with Mikaylee, Walter shouldn’t be making fun of some one who wants an education.I agree with Noah on this question. What in the world you learning over there? I don’t think that Walter had any right going around making all of these comments on his assumptions of the University boys.
Prometheus was also known for presuming he knew everything, and this is just what Walter is doing: taking a little book-learning as the greatest knowledge in the world, without any practical experience to back it up.That's how it's an insult: George is pegging Walter as what he is: a know-it-all.I wouldn't say that George meant to insult Walter by calling him Prometheus.
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