Published Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. But there was another American, all but forgotten today, who traveled to the South Seas, fell in love with what he saw, anMost people have heard of Charles Bernard Nordhoff and James Norman Hall who came out to Tahiti and wrote Mutiny on the Bounty and its sequels, as well as Faery Lands of the South Seas, another installment in the Resnick Library of Worldwide Adventure. Today, the book is difficult to find, and Frederick O'Brien has slipped back into obscurity.
Today, the book is difficult to find, and Frederick O'Brien has slipped back into obscurity. The first of these volumes, 1919's White Shadows in the South Seas, was a tremendous bestseller in its day, and no wonder. White Shadows in the South Seas by Frederick O'Brien. His works describe his life in the Marquesas in detail, but outside of his books on Polynesia, little remains to be known about him. June 1st 2006 A movie was made in 1928 of White Shadows in the South Seas. They laugh when we are stolid. -from Chapter VII In the years prior to World War I, American author FREDERICK O'BRIEN (1869-1932) took a grand tour of the South Pacific, and the trilogy of books he wrote upon his return sparked a new thirst for all things exotic, far-flung, and gloriously "uncivilized."
His name was Frederick J. O'Brien, and, after working for a time for the Manila Times, he wrote a trio of books about what he had seen and experienced. Van Dyke and starring Monte Blue and Raquel Torres.It was produced by Cosmopolitan Productions in association with MGM and distributed by MGM.
They may ape our manners, wear our ornaments, and seek our company, but their souls remain indifferent. I went to see what I should see, and to learn whatever should be taught me by the days as they came. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. We’d love your help. They weep when we are unmoved. 1570901708
Nothing, I fear, to startle the anthropologist or to revise encyclopedias; such expectation was far from my thoughts when I sailed from Papeite on the Morning Star. But never was there an individual about whom we know so much and so little at the same time. A planned autobiography O'Brien was in the process of writing soon disappeared after his death.
by Cosimo Classics In the minds of my happy companions at the vai puna, modesty had no more to do with clothing than, among us, it had to do with food.... Savage peoples can never understand our philosophy, our complex springs of action. But never was there an individual about whom we know so much and so little at the same time. Today, the book is difficult to find, and Frederick O'Brien has slipped back into obscurity. What I saw and what I learned the reader will see and learn, and no more. They may aVait-hua was all savage; whatever bewilderments the missionaries had brought had faded when dwindling population left the isle to its own people.
White Shadows in the South Seas is a 1928 American silent film adventure romance directed by W.S. A planned autobiography O'Brien was in the process of writing soon disappeared after his death. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers
O'Brien offers a unique perspective on the South Seas cultures of old just as they were disappearing. Start by marking “White Shadows in the South Seas” as Want to Read: His works describe his life in the Marquesas in detail, but outside of his books on Polynesia, little remains to be known about him. But there was another American, all but forgotten today, who traveled to the South Seas, fell in love with what he saw, and took pen to paper to share his experiences with those back home.
Be the first to ask a question about White Shadows in the South Seas "This book on the South Seas, and two others that followed, gained its author, Frederick O'Brien, much fame and popularity in the 1920s.
The first of these volumes, 1919's White Shadows in the South Seas, was a tremendous bestseller in its day, and no wonder. But never was there an individual about whom we know so much and so little at the same time. OF INTEREST TO: armchair travelers, amateur anthropologists, readers of cross-cultural studiesThis book on the South Seas, and two others that followed, gained its author, Frederick O'Brien, much fame and popularity in the 1920s.
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