USED BY Audio An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. This was a seaside cottage in every sense, compact and cosy with a wood-burning fireplace, but very modern with lots of glass and vaulted ceilings. Irish-born Edward Mulhare was working … Therefore, I’ll watch Laura ! | Rating: 8/10 here is the link for you:My paper deals with the cottages that were used in “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir” 1947 movie, “The Ghost & Mrs. Muir” TV series, and a third cottage, I had a good time researching my paper and I hope that you get enjoyment from it. Comedy She learns firsthand before she makes the decision the rental agent's hesitance is because the cottage is haunted, supposedly by its now deceased former owner, seaman Captain Daniel Gregg (Sir Rex Harrison). I’m sad to say I’ve only seen parts of this movie and never sat and watched if from beginning to end. I don’t expect people to reply to me as they usually don’t or say anything so nice. Drama Unable to return it ... Top fantasy film of any time; featuring Rex Harrison, Gene Tierney. | how neat, but sad, that the house was only a shell and not really a “real” house… I guess that’s Hollywood for you – even that long ago… Your post makes me want to curl up on the sofa today and watch the movie again! I wonder what that location looks like now. HA!I love this website and as i have always loved film and everything to do with it including the music plus I am married to a famous person as well…I thank you from my heart for posting the information about this particular film and the rare and great photos of the film from 1947 “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir” as well, which happens to be my dream house including the interior and the grounds and shore! Once I am done with my mini version of Rosehill Cottage from The Holiday I plan to do Gull Cottage in miniature, and these photos will really help. Houseley Stevenson Sr. Your post has caught my attention and next time it’s on TCM I’m going to grab my knitting and watch the whole thing!That house would be so adorable in real life. Not the same one used in the movie, but I like that they named it after that! When she meets a 'real life' man (George Sanders) who begins wooing her, an odd sort of love triangle forms. There is a piece of land near us located on a bluff facing Long Island Sound, about an acre in size and it is vacant. 52 of 56 people found this review helpful. Probably a bunch of mansions.I loved that movie…. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. I wish also that he came back earlier. Thank you.Just watched Ghost & Mrs. Muir.

It was shot entirely in California. I always Love watching the Old Movies just to see some of the fab interiors and Old Houses they were filmed in… whether sets or the real deal I find them captivating!I love these old period movies, especially what can be seen of the houses! I have for the longest time, been trying to get information on Gull Cottage! | I always want to see how they did stuff, and parts of the set you don’t see in the film. I loved his saltiness, with the subtle hints of his ribald life in the book's narration slipped in under the production code, and his sailor's language seeping in to Tierney's.

Sadly, Gull Cottage was dismantled after filming ended and no longer exists. Even the bit parts are played with distinction. | Rating: 5/5

Maybe more has come out since then, though! We will send you an email to confirm your account upon completion. I was always intrigued by a home that I fancied was a Sea Captain’s abode. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. I am late coming to hooked on houses as well.

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