This seems to annoy Finn. Sue Sylvester suggests that Brittany and Santana try to break Rachel and Finn up by dating Finn. Though the relationship started off as a bitter rivalry, they are now close friends and are living together in New York (along with Kurt). When Finn says he likes the way he looks (although he's a little insecure about his dancing), Santana scoffs and says "Please, you have puffy pyramid nipples." In the hallway, she calls Finn by saying "Hey Orca" to which Finn and Rory reply with (not very good) insults, and after a few more insults, Finn calls a dodgeball match after school, Troubletones vs. New Directions. and compares them to a dessert.

Finn catches it what he and Santana share a kiss at his kissing booth. With this dodgeball match comes their first duet, Finn stands up for Santana claiming that it was a staged slap in order to save her from getting suspended.

(Santana tells Rachel that she had sex with Finn. Finn declines at first, however, Santana is able persuade him by informing Finn about Santana wants to be with Finn again to improve his reputation. Throughout the episode, Santana seems genuinely upset when she sees Finn being close with Rachel especially during the wedding. (Santana seemed to be insulting Finn more than often. Santana is confused by this and asks why he did it. Finn, seeming nervous, asks her not to do this. She playfully mocks his skills in tying a (clip on) tie. Throughout the first few scenes, Santana appears to be cold and emotionless; however, during Sam and Artie's performance of Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She approaches Finn as he is dressing up for his mom's wedding. After Finn and Rachel's Nationals kiss, Santana yells at them in Spanish angrily. This seems to annoy Finn. However Brittany advises Santana that: "the way to make a man follow you forever is to take his virginity." During Finn convinces Santana to quit the Cheerios, along with Quinn and Brittany, and she agrees. Santana realizes that she needs to complete this task and consequently discusses her dilemma with Brittany. Santana realizes that she needs to complete this task and consequently discusses her dilemma with Brittany. He seems more pleased than bothered about said kiss.

In the hallway, she calls Finn by saying "Hey Orca" to which Finn and Santana and Finn are in the principal's because of Santana slapping Finn. (When Finn says he likes the way he looks (although he's a little insecure about his dancing), Santana scoffs and says, "Please, you have puffy pyramid nipples" and compares them to a dessert. In this act, Finn and Santana share a kiss at his kissing booth.

This prompts Finn to call her out in the hallway to get back at her. During the couple's counseling in Ms. Pillsbury's room, Finn comments on how hot Santana looks by saying "Yeah, sure she's super hot-" leading Rachel to be furious and storm out. In her angered state, she proceeds to make out with Puck, this eventually leads to the break-up between Finn and Rachel. Santana wants to be with Finn again to improve his reputation. The Finn-Santana Relationship, most commonly known as Finntana, was the friendship and previously sexual relationship between the late Finn Hudson and McKinley High alumna Santana Lopez. However Brittany advises Santana that "the way to make a man follow you forever is to take his virginity."

She shares plenty of animosity with him in later episodes for reasons Finn does not understand until he finds out that she is a lesbian. She put me on the bottom of the pyramid." However, she is persistent and wants him. Throughout the episode, Santana seems genuinely upset when she sees Finn being close with Rachel especially during the wedding. She playfully mocks his skills in tying a (clip on) tie. In doing so she bribes the girls by promising she would promote one of the girls to head cheerleader position. BAD THINGS!" During the couple's counseling in Ms. Pillsbury's room, Finn comments on how hot Santana looks by saying "Yeah, sure she's super hot-" leading Rachel to be furious and storm out. She wants to break Finn and Rachel up by threatening to tell Rachel about the one-night stand sex they had last year. However, she is persistent and wants him. When he calls her out for meddling in other people's business, she gets very upset, and is seen being comforted by Brittany in the hallway. Sue Sylvester encourages and assigns the Cheerios to date younger men in tribute to her idol Madonna. Santana seemed to be insulting Finn more than often. Finn seems hurt when Santana makes fun of his "man boobs."

Finn still rejects her. (Santana encourages Rachel to wait to have sex, even saying, "Finn is terrible in bed." In her angered state, she proceeds to make out with Puck; this eventually leads to the break-up between Finn and Rachel. She wants to break Finn and Rachel up by threatening to tell Rachel about the one-night stand sex they had last year. Finn explains to her that she was his first and that she does mean something to him, and if something would to happen to her and he didn't do everything he could to prevent it, he could never live with himself. Brittany suggests that Santana date Finn because his birthday is three days after hers. Santana encourages Rachel to wait to have sex, saying "Finn is terrible in bed." When he calls her out for meddling in other people's business, she gets very upset, and is seen being comforted by Brittany in the hallway. The Rachel-Santana Relationship is the on-and-off friendship between Santana Lopez and Rachel Berry. Santana says "Screw her. Finn personally addresses Santana but not Brittany or Quinn when asking them to quit the Cheerios.

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