We rely on the Washington State Disease Reporting System (WDRS) for this information, and test results received through 11:59PM on Sunday, 3/29 have n...On March 29, the Whatcom County Health Department has identified 14 new cases of COVID-19 in Whatcom County. They are sources of connection, comfort and support throughout the year. Needing to stay away from others along with hearing daily information about the COVID-19 outbreak can add to feelings of anxiety and depression in new parents...Knowing where and how people could have been exposed to COVID-19 can help slow the spread of infection in our community. Click "Advanced" for more search options. We will keep you updated through this communication tool as more information become...We care about the safety and health of our passengers and crew. Any site inspection of the listed parcels must be done so with the authorization of the current parcel owner. Now that the chip seal...We’ve had a number of people on Lummi Island ask about potential surplus gravel from our island maintenance projects, and if that material would be available for purchase. Many people have lost work or been laid off or have missed work due to having to quarantine or isolate. Every time you choose to stay home, you are doing your part to protect your neighbors, friends, and family. Some of the tools we have can be used by each of u...We’ve added two new charts to our Data Dashboard page today to provide more information about COVID-19 activity in our county.The first is a map that shows the rate of newly identified cases over the previous 14 days by location of residence wit...On July 25th, Washington State updated the requirements for wearing face coverings. Homes for sale in Whatcom County, WA have a median listing price of $448,250 and a price per square foot of $255. This week, we’ve updated our One of the most important ways we can slow the spread of COVID-19 is to stay home and physically distance ourselves from others. Whatcom County is currently in Phase 1 of the Safe Start reopening plan.
The pilot testing project was provided by Whatcom Unified Command (WUC) and t...Navigating and understanding medical insurance can be challenging at any time, but even more so during a pandemic. The total number of confirmed cases is now 290 and the number of deaths remains at 27. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 241 and the total number of de...On April 7, 2020, the Whatcom County Health Department is reporting ten (10) new cases of COVID-19 in Whatcom County and zero (0) new deaths related to the illness. A contract has been awarded to Granite Construction Company to do this work, which will take place after July 15.
There will be no ferry service during this time.Beginning Monday, May 18, fare collection will resume onboard the Whatcom Chief. You can also find your parcel number and legal description by looking at your current tax statement or using the Assessor’s online Contact the Whatcom County Health Department at 360-778-6000, or visit the Contact Whatcom County Public Works, River and Flood at 360-778-6230, or visit the Contact the Whatcom County Public Records Officer at 360-778-5233, or view online the PDS accepts cash, checks (in U.S. Funds) and credit card payments. This The Point Whitehorn Marine Reserve stairway is closed to the public due to structural damage caused by winter storms. Appraisers are following the rules and recommendations of the Governor and Whatcom County Health...The Whatcom County Assessor’s Office is responsible for annually updating assessed values for all real and taxable personal property in Whatcom County, and calculating levy rates for all taxing districts for property tax purposes.The Washington State Legislature has passed ESSB 5160. This includes places such as:Since the pandemic began, many of us have been closely following data about COVID-19 to track numbers about infections both near and far. And good news:...The low-barrier drive-through testing offered the past two weekends at the Civic Field Stadium parking lot will not be offered this Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25. If someone invites yo...Summer is here, and Fourth of July, our biggest summer celebration, is coming up. These can include Whatcom County death certificates, local and Washington State death registries, and the National Death Index. Chip seal operations on Lummi Island are complete. Whatcom County Election Division | November 5, 2019 General Election . The m...Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) biotoxin has increased to dangerous levels in mussels in Whatcom County, with levels capable of causing illness detected from Lummi Bay north to the Canadian border. Stronger. We’ve put together a few reminders for our ferry travelers related to COVID-19 restrictions. Contact tracing - a part of our disease investigations - contains further spread of COVID-19 by identifying people who have ...Paralytic shellfish poisoning biotoxin has reached unsafe levels in molluscanYou’ve been hearing a lot from us about how public health plays an important role in keeping our community healthy. This includes places such as:Since the pandemic began, many of us have been closely following data about COVID-19 to track numbers about infections both near and far. During this pil...Now that it’s summer, many of us would be spending time on the soccer field or baseball diamond. The places we find connection, strength and comfort are especially important du...On April 10, 2020, the Whatcom County Health Department is reporting seven (7) new cases of COVID-19 in Whatcom County and two (2) new deaths related to the illness. Right now we are in Phase 2 of Washington’s Safe Start plan and are working hard to be able to move to Phase 3. Three new deaths have been reported. Stronger. Roadways in three areas of What...The Lummi Island Ferry will be out of service for a dry dock shipyard pre-bid meeting onboard the vessel. Operate under the rules, regulations, and supervision contained in the Constitution of the State of Washington, set in Washington State Law (RCW), and directed by the Washington State Department of Revenue Administrative Code (WAC).Established by state constitution and laws, directed by the Department of Revenue, the Assessor´s Office:
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