"You teach me how to be a better partner. You let me be myself, and I thank you for that. Because they accept you just the way you are, even if you … Because you know all of your secrets will be safe with them. There are certain questions that inevitably strike fear into the heart of anyone being asked them in the context of a marriage or romantic relationship.No matter how many cute, sweet and romantic things you find to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend on a regular basis, when you're hit with one of these humdingers out of the blue, knowing what to say and how to say say it can be absolutely mind boggling.One such question is the inevitable, "Does this make me look fat?" posed just as you’re heading out the door to a big event.That one is relatively easy to navigate, of course. Thankfully, below are some of the answers that are sure to get a positive response from her.Before you start listing all these things down, make sure that the answers you choose are the one that you genuinely mean. Because the thought and knowledge that they are in your life makes you happy. He loves her because she motivates him to be strong. 14. 15. You can’t just give her answers that will please her because sooner or later, she’s going to figure out that you’re lying and that’s going to be the start of quite an argument! I don’t have to hide. You look amazing.”Paralyzed with fear, your mind becomes numbingly blank.Before you is someone you actually care about. You encourage me, support me and let me know how I can best support you."8. When your girlfriend asks you why you love her, you better have the right answers for her because generic answers like “I just do” or “just because” aren’t going to cut it!
"Now you know why they asked the question, that it's less about why you love them and more about them needing to receive validation that they are lovable, and how to reply in a way that meets that need.With these 12 sweet phrases, you can strengthen your relationship and be a true source of support for the person you really, truly do love for many, many good reasons.12 Sweet Things To Say When Someone Asks, 'Why Do You Love Me?' The world is better for having you in it.
But right now, under this kind of pressure, you can’t think of a single meaningful thing to say regarding exactly why you love them.Oh, no! Your silence starts to confirm their worst fear — that they are unlovable.At this point, almost any answer could potentially save the relationship.It's likely they are feeling insecure about your relationship, and, even more likely, that they are feeling deeply insecure about themselves.They may be finding it hard to love themselves, in general or in the moment, and they’re looking to you — the person they trust, love and value above all others — for validation they are worthy of love and they are, indeed, lovable.Look them in the eye and, if possible, hold them in one of those close hugs that tells a fellow human being they are not alone. You should have known better. I didn’t need to love you, but I love you just the same. It’s amazing to be loved by you."5. "You accept me for me. At least, that's what you tell yourself as your mind races, your heart pounds, and the silence grows deafening.There are so many reasons you love this person, it's just that, at the moment, you can’t bring a single, solitary one to mind.They look at you with tears welling up in those puppy-dog eyes, beseeching you for an answer. 16. It is the way she says my name, like a delicate flower that is the reason to why I love her. Tell her that her joy is your joy, and that you want to spend the rest of your life making her happy because she does the same for you. Why haven’t you prepared for this moment? I love you because I feel comfort in being out of my comfort zone with you by my side. And I’m lucky I get to call you my love. He loves her because she encourages him to keep going, to try again, and to not feel discouraged while doing so. When a woman asks this, she loves the outfit but is paranoid that it might show off the wrong kind of curves. You’re not like anyone else, and you are brave and strong and willing to be you. You can even see yourself making a life with them, or perhaps you've already decided to. It comes in every relationship. "I love your heart. 13. 17. It’s contagious."11. You do love them. That they can count on you. With you in my life, I am."9. How could you not understand why?” And in her head she knows it’s because a small part of her can’t believe it and a larger part of her maybe … “No”, “Absolutely not!” or some other variation is good. When she asks you why you love her, tell her that it’s because her mere presence in your life is enough to make you forget all the sorrow in the world. First of all, “yes” is obviously the wrong answer. Here are 12 sweet things to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend when they ask, "Why do you love me?" "I love you for your passion for life. Because they still love you and want you even after all of the mistakes you have made. Of course, not.
© 2016-2020 EverydayKnow.com | All rights reserved Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. I love you because I have no choice; I didn’t ask to love you. "You complete me. "I love you because you are you. Before I met you, I never felt whole. If you find yourself posed with this difficult question, you need to answer with something that’s both genuine and appropriate enough to appease her. 1.
The answer is always, and forever, a resounding, “No! So when she asks him why he loves her, he’ll ask her how she doesn’t know. She looks at me with this tender look of love and I want to tell her that is why I love her.
If the clothes really do look bad on her, tell her she looks great, but you just don’t think that style suits her as well as another outfit. I love you because every cell of my body responds to your touch, to your look, to the way you move and … "You make me feel more alive than anyone ever has."7. My arms aren’t filled unless you’re in them and my thirst is not quenched unless you are the drink.
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