The final -s in the English first names is typical of those borrowed from Old French, where it was the former masculine subject case (cf. It’s been on the top 1,000 list of girls names since 1962 and was a top 100 name for girls from 1985 through 1994 and it reached its highest rank of 32 in 1986 and 1987. I had planned to name DD Jameson, to call her Jamie Italian Giacomo, Portuguese Jaime), a derivative version of Latin Iacobus, Latin form of the Hebrew name Jacob. James has been in my family for a very long time and when I have a child middle name is going to be James! It is a modern descendant, through Old French James, of Vulgar Latin Iacomus (cf. Interesting. I think my name suits me perfectly. I don't mind the name so much now. For the best viewing experience please update your browser to Michelle -mom to Katlyn 4/00 , Jake 3/02, and Seth 5/04Most users ever online was 21,860, 06-22-2018 at 08:45 PM.

I think the name Jamie (or Jaimee) would be a good name. Jamie is a very popular first name for men (#233 out of 1220, Top 19%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#41657 out of 150436, Top 28%). I have on more than one occasion taken advantage of the gender ambiguity in my name. She questions the world and looks for understandings. (2000 U.S. CENSUS) Jamie reached its top rank of #34 in the U.S. during the years 1980-1989, and is presently at #614. I really like my unique spelling of my name. My sister is Jaime - maybe try alternate spellings of the name. I have never seen a serious, uptight Jamie.

I'm called James usually though. I grew up being a tomboy but am more feminine now that I'm an adult and mother. I also grew up in California, with several Jaime's (Haime)I did not like when people would confuse the names and call me that and would respond do I look like a boy? I like Jamie, I think it's cute. I love love love the name Jamie for a girl. I am 40 and my name is Jamie. lol :D When I was 11 my mom was pregnant with my sister, but we didn't know she was a girl yet. Jamie is caring, pretty, smart, kind, funny, loyal, and honest. I love my name and it truly defines who I am. Ive known a couple people named Jamie and none of them were short for anything. Plus I'm happy I am not named a really girly name. It's funny how Jamie is supposed to be a boys name, but the only Jamie's you ever see are girls. I had a friend in high school that we called Jamie and it was short for Jaimasina. She smiles with her eyes. (2000 U.S. CENSUS) Jamie was first listed in 1890-1899 and reached its apex position of #79 in the U.S. in the 1970s, and is at #722 presently. Popular culture has made it a joke. The name Jamie means Supplanter and is of English origin. If she was a boy we were going to name her James Michael after my grandpa and dad. They spelt my name Jamiee! They probably have an online alumni directory. Sorry, I can't recall how she spelled it. becoming . Yes, it takes a strong personality to be a Jamie. In most cases those who have this destiny number are considered very sensitive and empathetic people. If it in with my brothers. Except my name is spelt a different way than normal. Jamie: She just wants others to be happy. She seems all bubbly on the outside, which she is, but she has layers of deep thoughts with in. Jamie is normally reserved as a nickname for James. Giles, Charles, etc. I really don't like the combination of my middle name Lynn, though. Well, I do live in California. When I was growing up people would sometimes call me "James" or "Jam" and I liked both. I like being called James. And for some reason no one can spell it right! She does not share her feelings as much as she should. I don't think it's a nickname for anything. There is people that spell their name like Aimee and it's not that hard to just add a J to it! My name is spelt Jaimee. :)Jamie comes from James, which is in turn a derivative of Jacob.Jamie "Ja'mie" King, character played by Chris Lilley in the popular Australian comedy series We Can Be Heroes, Summer Heights High, and Ja'mie: Private School Girl Sometimes people are surprised when they meet me - I'm definitely a woman and not particularly tomboyish - but it's always been fine. It is endearing to be named after my dad James. I know a Jamie who has it short for Jacqueline. It is typically spelled Jaime for a girl. The number 2 is usually for the inconsistency and the split in man. I'm getting braces soon and they thought I was a boy. I like the tomboy feel for the most part, and in situations where I need to be identified as a woman (e.g. Find out more about the name Jamie at ... My name is Jamie and it's not short for anything. Jamie was originally a man's nickname for James. I love love love the name Jamie for a girl. I feel the name always suited me well.I'm in my early thirties. that lazy TV and movie writers use to signify that a character is supposed to be a tomboy.My name is Jamie and I like it okay.

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