Waterfalls are beautiful! rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc.) Examples of submersion or destruction of a waterfall include Rippon Falls at the Source of the Nile in Uganda, Sete Quedas on the Brazil-Paraguay border (which existed before the Itaipu Dam was finished), and Töfrafoss in Iceland (before the Kárahnjukar Dam was well on its way to completion).Finally, another twist to this topic of human influence on waterfalls is that with the advent of Global Warming and Climate Change as well as more hydroelectric and agricultural interference, the longevity of waterfalls around the world is diminishing.As a result, in the future, we might have to adjust our definition here or else exclude more waterfalls from the exclusive club of legitimate waterfalls!Well, that’s all we have to say about the definition of a waterfall. So what makes a waterfall a waterfall? Where does it begin and where does it end?

For decorative waterfalls, see Place where water flows over a vertical drop in the course of a riverHudson, B. J. So what constitutes a "waterfall" in your opinion? Oscar von Engeln (1930s) Published "Geomorphology: systematic and regional", this book had a whole chapter devoted to waterfalls, and is one of the earliest examples of published works on waterfalls. Thus, the vegetation and rich soil tends to retain the water captured in the drainage better than Yosemite Falls’ exposed granite drainage with comparably sparse moisture-retentive vegetation.At the smallest extreme, you have the temporary waterfalls (or Usually, these waterfalls have either an extremely small or nonexistent drainage, or it could also have a fairly large drainage but little appreciable precipitation as part of its normal weather pattern.Another concept that relates to drainage and waterflow is For example, if a drainage consists of snow and/or ice (e.g. R. W. Young (1980s) Wrote "Waterfalls: form and process" this work made waterfalls a much more serious topic for research for modern Geoscientists.Some waterfalls are also distinct in that they do not flow continuously. Only two people are known to have … Get out in the field, make your own observations, and form your own opinion about what makes up a waterfall and which ones are worth your time.The purpose of this page is to stir up some thought and discussion about the subject. We are independently owned so content written by us merely reflect our own opinions.Copyright 2020 World Of Waterfalls, All Rights ReservedAffiliate Disclosure: We receive compensation from companies whose products or services are used, referenced, or reviewed regardless of whether we endorse or criticize them.
This waterfall was also helped in that it had the unusual property that you cared how high the water was “wheeling” (being thrown up in the air) instead of how far it dropped!For the case of Hovea Falls, I’m inclined to not count it even though the John Forrest National Park authorities in As you can tell from its photo near the top of this post, it’s got quite a flat angle.

I appreciate a broad rather than narrow definition of a waterfall. Whether political instability, inaccessibility, or something else has caused the dearth of images of the falls is anyone’s guess.Ngonye Falls on the Zambezi River seems to be a legitimate waterfall even though it’s wide and only 10m tall at best. Waterfalls fed this way are more predictable because we can usually count on spring or early summer to experience waterfalls fed by the meltwaters.On the other hand, while waterfalls fed primarily by rain can be predictable, they’re not as reliable as the snow/ice-fed ones. Meanwhile, the volume-based method results in a logarithmic scale (like the Richter scale for earthquakes) resulting in Classes 1-10 … A waterfall is a place where water flows over the edge of a steep, high cliff in hills or mountains, and falls into a pool below.

Again, this isn’t an easy question to answer and we tackle these questions in other Waterfalls 101 writeups.Assuming you’re happy with the height of the rapidly descending watercourse, we next need to ask this question.Once again, we’re going to involve subjectivity and go by aesthetics.Some of the more obvious examples where this holds true are Example 2 For the case of Waterwheel Falls, we counted it as a waterfall because it does drop more or less at around 40-60 degrees or so. Of course, we must disclaim that the definitions contained within this page are solely based on our own experiences and opinions.As you’ll see, there’s a degree of subjectivity about a surprising number of aspects of waterfalls.
Running or moving water, that moves or erodes rocks.

However, there are some of the upper tiers that look like waterfalls when viewed directly even though you’re supposed to climb the waterfall. So before getting into the meat of this topic, let’s begin by showing you a sampling of some waterfalls we’ve seen in our travels.For each waterfall presented below, form an opinion whether you think the waterfall in question is a legitimate waterfall or not.So, which of these examples do you think don’t count as waterfalls?We’ll return to these examples as they’ll come up later in this page. Now, let’s get into the criteria of what makes a waterfall a waterfall…Admittedly, the answer to this question requires quite a bit of subjectivity. We’ve been unable to find any pictures of it, which kind of leads me to believe that it might be more rapids than noteworthy falls (otherwise someone would’ve visited it and photographed it by now, right? I found it can be overwhelming to make a choice. Our answer to this question could very well be different than someone else and we may never come to an agreement.We’ve basing our answer on how height plays into its aesthetics and shape. What makes a waterfall? (2013) Waterfalls, science and aesthetics

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