The Apprentice UK Series 4 - Playlist. In tough economic times, the teams must agree a distinctive identity to stand out from the competition and win new customers.This week the two teams have to create a new piece of portable gym equipment and create a poster advertising it. From the quest for a kosher chicken in Marrakesh to series nine's infamous 'abdication', relive ten years of boardroom bust-ups, soaring sales successes and catastrophic business failures. Each team must buy blank goods, add value by printing a design onto them and then sell them from stalls on the streets of London. SEARCH BEFORE REQUESTING ANYTHING. Their task is to invent a new household gadget, create a prototype and pitch for orders to some of the country's biggest retailers.Lord Sugar decides to mix up the teams for the third task, which is to come up with a new condiment; one team goes for a Mediterranean-style ketchup, and the other a chilli chutney. Hard work in the development lab produces professional looking biscuits.

Each team has to buy the same items and the team that brings back the most amount of money, wins. In the first task, the boys compete against the girls. It is a sticky task ahead, as the candidates must design and manufacture their own brand of sweets and head to the sunny coastal town of Brighton to sell them.The candidates are summoned to Drapers' Hall, where they learn that for their next task they will be taking over part of the world-famous department store Liberty of London. The teams also try to flog souvenirs to guests to top up their profit margins, but as they sell the tickets, there's jostling between candidates for sales and overpromising on what the tour groups will get, which could lead to major disappointment. Still in their pyjamas, the teams are briefed on this week's task: to grow a business from scratch in 48 hours.

Both teams are given 150 pounds to spend on products of their choice, with Essex as their selling ground. The teams have to select a designer, then plan and organise a catwalk show, as well as put together a magazine cover to amplify their sales campaign.

It gets messy in the boardroom, as Lord Sugar wipes the floor with the losing team. The losers face the firing line, and their concept gets shredded. In the fight to make the final, dreams come crashing down.

In the battle for downloads, the teams must create a mobile app and pitch it to three influential technology websites to become 'App of the Day', as well as attempt to convince a huge crowd of bloggers and software experts at a major gaming fair to support the application and increase downloads. So why not have a task on The Apprentice that matches the boss’s business? On the losing team the culprit is uncovered.

Bags are quickly packed, and then the teams are straight off to Gatwick and the UAE. Candidates must then pitch their product to three big retailers in the hopes of securing orders and avoiding a place in the boardroom. ), recently quoted Lord Sugar as saying, ‘You make money from property and do business for fun.’ Which perhaps reflects the fact that property mega-deals are what have lifted Sugar from middling tech entrepreneur to billionaire.

Before sending them off, Lord Sugar mixes the teams up and decides that, for this task, the boys should compete against the girls. A surprise result leads to a fierce boardroom battle, where one more candidate is faced with hearing Lord Sugar's immortal words "You're fired".The candidates seize the opportunity to impress Lord Sugar as they take over an industrial bakery. Talking about their worst moments, Sir Alan Sugar reveals how, each week, he decided who would hear that famous phrase - 'You're fired'.The remaining four candidates are split into two teams to develop and present a new type of fragrance. Paris retailers, baffled by the stumbling pitches, prove tough customers. Revealing the true stories behind the super confident egos, we discover what really makes these budding business men and women tick. Sending for permission does nothing. But in the heat of Dubai, it's not long before the candidates start to sweat; mistakes with measurements leave one team with a big problem, while waiting time costs others dearly. The team which secures the most orders, by value, will win.This week the two teams have to create a range of greetings cards for a new occasion. The nerves kick in straight away for the Final Five, as the anxious candidates are called in one by one to meet Lord Sugar's hand-picked hit-squad. Supported by Britain's biggest pet food manufacturer it looks like a breeze, but soon the teams are making some fateful decisions, sweeping aside advice from pet-loving focus groups and inventing product names so leftfield that even teammates can't understand them. They need to invent a name, a main character and a story, as well as design a dynamic front cover.Lord Sugar tasks the candidates with manufacturing and selling upmarket doughnuts to both a corporate client and the public.The candidates are summoned to London's Royal Albert Hall, where Lord Sugar sets them the challenge of selling at one of the world's largest bodybuilding expos.The candidates must create and market a brand new shoe, along with putting together an event to launch and sell their product to major industry players.The candidates are summoned to London City Airport, where Lord Sugar sets them the task of devising a marketing campaign for a brand new budget airline.
The other team, accompanied by 67-year old Nick, goes for the oldies market, and on the way comes up with some patronising names (causing raised eyebrows from Nick!).

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