You'll play as Nathan Drake, an independent adventurer with a wry sense of humor who claims to be a descendent of Sir Francis Drake. If you can get close enough to an enemy without getting perforated, which is a rarity, there's some simple hand-to-hand combat. He'll do a stumbled half-step when traversing uneven terrain, and you'll see him wince when a bullet gets too close to comfort during a firefight. Call Of Duty 2020: So, What Was In Those Mysterious Boxes?WE FINALLY Understand What Kind Of Game Marvel's Avengers Is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is not a game about new ideas.
Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Tobacco, Violence, Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated contentEvery game in Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection has aged well, thanks to an excellent visual remaster.A Mother Recovers the $20K Her Son Spent on Twitch Donations in 17 DaysCall of Duty 2020 Teaser Set for Later This Week [Update]Call of Duty: Warzone Has an Annoying, Occasionally Frightening New GlitchLive Out Your Dick Tracy Dreams With the Best Smart Watch Interestingly, Uncharted uses a performance-based reward system very similar to the Xbox 360 achievements to dole out making-of featurettes, concept art, alternate costumes, and the like. Nevertheless, the story generally moves with efficiency, as well as some occasionally snappy dialog. The combat consists mostly of gunplay, and you'll be brandishing a variety of handguns, assault rifles, shotguns, and grenade launchers over the course of the game. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Review Incredible production values and plenty of thrilling moments help make Uncharted an action-packed adventure, in spite of some slightly uneven gameplay.
It took us about eight hours to get through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and it was an action-packed eight hours, without much in the ways of load times or informational status screens to break it up. If nothing else, Uncharted is a graphical showcase for the PlayStation 3, and it dazzles the senses at nearly every opportunity. Amidst all the jumping and shooting, the game includes some straightforward environmental puzzles, as well as some really entertaining vehicle sequences, including a lengthy chase sequence where you man a gun on the back of a jeep, and another that has you piloting a personal watercraft up a raging river. This new game from Naughty Dog features jungle adventures in a Pitfall-esque setting.
Headshots help move things along, though oddly, we found pistols to be far more effective for this than anything other than the sniper rifle, even at several hundred yards. Likewise, his arms will flail spastically during a big jump, and afterward he'll dangle precariously by one hand on the edge he was aiming for. Get the latest news and videos for this game daily, no spam, no fuss. By comparison, the combat can be devilish at times in its difficulty. The supporting cast includes your friend Sully, who's a cigar-chomping, affable cad with a taste for trouble, and Elena, a confident TV reporter who splits her time between being your sidekick and your damsel in distress. There's environment traversal, which will have you leaping across chasms, scrambling up ledges, and swinging on vines to progress through the game. Enemies are also pretty smart, and if you stay in one position for too long during a firefight, they'll flank you. Nathan's a pretty fragile dude, and it takes only one or two shots before the color starts draining out of the screen, which makes it important to find and use cover intelligently.
As good as Uncharted is at making this stuff look harrowing, the game gives you a lot of direction as to where you need to go next, as well as a lot of leeway in the accuracy of your controls. ( Read our original Uncharted 2: Among Thieves review .)
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