Using the tilde character ("~") at the start of your path similarly means “starting from my home directory”.Now that odd text in the prompt might make a bit of sense. On a Ubuntu system it shows your username, your computer’s network name and the current working directory. Opening a terminal. So if we wanted to go straight from our home directory to the “etc” directory (which is directly inside the root of the file system), we could use this approach:You’ll see an error saying “No such file or directory” before you even get to run the last It also gives us another way to get back to your home directory, and even to the folders within it. The input is stored inside this variable and can be accessed using the $ sign.If statements are the most common conditional construct available in Unix shell scripting, they take the form shown below.The statements are only executed given the CONDITION is true. The below program will check for the existence of any folder named Write this program using eval to increase your bash scripting skills.Bash scripts allow users to read files very effectively. They allow admins to create custom code blocks for frequent usage. We’ll mostly stick with Linux bash scripts in our examples due to their widespread popularity and immense usability. There’s literally no limit when it comes to determining what it can do or can’t. If we wanted to list them all it would clearly fill up more than a single screen. Plus, you need to provide the directory name of your files as a command-line argument. All we need to do is to add the greater-than character (">") to the end of our command line, followed by the name of the file to write to:This time there’s nothing printed to the screen, because the output is being redirected to our file instead. The purpose of a .bashrc file is to provide a place where you can set up variables, functions and aliases, define our prompt and define other settings that we want … If, however, you’re intrigued by the ability to affect files in disparate parts of your hard drive with just a few keypresses, there’s still a lot more for you to learn.There are many online tutorials and commercially published books about the command line, but if you do want to go deeper into the subject a good starting point might be the following book:The reason for recommending this book in particular is that it has been released under a Creative Commons licence, and is available to download free of charge as a PDF file, making it ideal for the beginner who isn’t sure just how much they want to commit to the command line. We’ll assume no prior knowledge, but by the end we hope you’ll feel a bit more comfortable the next time you’re faced with some instructions that begin “Open a terminal”.Every Linux system includes a command line of one sort or another. Some commands can output a lot of text, others will operate silently and won’t output anything at all. Find out how elif works by assessing the following example.The above program is self-explanatory, so we won’t dissect it line by line. You need to pass the directory name where you want to search for files from the command-line.The program will ask the user to try again if the specified directory isn’t available or have permission issues.The next simple example demonstrates a handy way we can use shell scripts in real life. Let’s wander around the file system a little, and keep an eye on the prompt as you do so:You must be bored with just moving around the file system by now, but a good understanding of absolute and relative paths will be invaluable as we move on to create some new folders and files!In this section we’re going to create some real files to work with. The following simple example will demonstrate one way of doing this from bash applications.It will send an email to the recipient containing the given subject and message.The next bash script example will show you how to handle dates and times using scripts.

If you think back to the slow network connections of our 1970s terminals, those early programmers decided that if everything went okay they may as well save a few precious bytes of data transfer by not saying anything at all.One important concept to understand is that the shell has a notion of a default location in which any file operations will take place. A simple example is demonstrated below.Save this code in a file named and run it using ./ Suppose you want to go straight to your “Desktop” folder from anywhere on the disk (note the upper-case “D”). It should delete the file.The below shell script example will show you how to append data to a file on your filesystem using bash scripts. 3. You need to make this file executable using the below command.You can run this using any of the below two commands.It will print out the string passed to echo inside the script.The echo command is used for printing out information in bash. It adds an additional line to the earlier editors.txt file.You should notice by now that we’re using everyday terminal commands directly from Linux bash scripts.The next shell script example shows how to check the existence of a file from bash programs.We are passing the filename as the argument from the command-line directly.It is quite straightforward to send emails from bash scripts. In theory you could even hook up one of those old 1970s terminals to a modern Linux box, and access the shell through that. Check out the next example.Here, the output contains data received from the Greet() function.The ability to run system commands using shell scripts allows developers to be much more productive. You can simply copy this code for getting the task done.The below example will apply a custom extension to all of the files inside a directory. Unix offers a You should be able to see that the lines have been reordered, and it’s now suitable for piping straight into As you can see, the ability to pipe data from one command to another, building up long chains to manipulate your data, is a powerful tool, as well as reducing the need for temporary files, and saving you a One good reason for learning some command line basics is that instructions online will often favour the use of shell commands over a graphical interface. The “/” directory, often referred to as the From the root directory, the following command will move you into the “home” directory (which is an immediate subdirectory of “/”):To go up to the parent directory, in this case back to “/”, use the special syntax of two dots (Notice that in the previous example we described a route to take through the directories.

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