Ethelreda Lewis (based on the book by),
Výpravu vede zkušený Aloysius „Trader“ Horn. | This film received its initial television broadcast in New York City Tuesday 9 April 1957 on WCBS (Channel 2), followed by Chicago 18 April 1957 on WBBM (Channel 2), by Memphis 24 May 1957 on WHBQ (Channel 13), by Los Angeles 4 June 1957 on KTTV (Channel 11), by New Haven CT 6 June 1957 on WHCT (Channel 18), by Norfolk VA 27 June 1957 on WTAR (Channel 3), by Honolulu 2 August 1957 on KHVH (Channel 13), by Philadelphia 2 September 1957 on WFIL (Channel 6), by New Haven CT 16 September 1957 on WNHC (Channel 8), by Altoona PA 30 September 1957 on WFBG (Channel 10), by Lebanon PA 14 October 1957 on WLBR (Channel 15), by Baltimore 26 October 1957 on WJZ (Channel 13), by Odessa TX 9 November 1957 on KOSA (Channel 7), by Miami 23 November 1957 on WCKT (Channel 7), by Indianapolis 11 December 1957 on WLW-I (Channel 13), by Fort Worth 12 December 1957 on KFJZ (Channel 11) , and by San Francisco 8 March 1958 on KGO (Channel 7). Trader Horn (1931) MAIN Links. Van Dykes wonder-filled window on an unspoiled African landscape and a rugged adventure that set the bar for decades of exciting safari sagas to come, from … Harry Carey. Van Dyke. Action & Adventure, 1931-01-01T23:23:59Z Date-string 1931 Foldoutcount 0 Format periodicals Identifier traderhornsouvenirprogram1931 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t47q3wt6v Journal-title Trader Horn souvenir program Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Pages 21 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3 Sponsor-mhdl Columbia University Libraries Year 1931 Year-end 1931 Comedy
Screenplay Info Original Print Info Genre Keywords. Please click the link below to receive your verification email.
January 31, 2012 A man and woman, skeptical about romance, nonetheless fall in love and are wed, but their lack of confidence in the opposite sex haunts their marriage. View the TCMDb entry for Trader Horn (1931) Barnes, Esq., H.R. Trader Horn is the story of a young widow who encounters a tribe of hostile natives while exploring in Africa with a bunch of traders. By creating an account, you agree to the
A convict falls in love with his new cellmate's sister, only to become embroiled in a planned break-out which is certain to have lethal consequences. Trader Horn (1931) -- (Movie Clip) Baboons, Lad. February 21, 2005
Výprava se setká s vdovou po misionáři Edith.… But check out all the great vistas and teeming wildlife, even if the beasts-in-combat was filmed later in Mexico-- evidently the Africa end of the production was as much an ordeal as the storyline itself (IMDB).Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. An unhappily married couple try to come between a happy one. But check out all the great vistas and teeming wildlife, even if the beasts-in-combat was filmed later in Mexico-- evidently the Africa end of the production was as much an ordeal as the storyline itself (IMDB). Eliminated for the 1936 re-issue. Overview Full Credits Full Synopsis Notes Music. Incomparably the best jungle picture made so far. When the two men are captured and slated for horrible death by her people, she rescues them, and the trio flees the pursuing tribesmen through savage country. For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet.
As sheer entertainment, the movie more than succeeds. Directed by Zion Myers, Jules White. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. Trader Horn (1931) Full and FREE Download. K tomu na svou dobu akční scény. Certificate: Passed Copyright © Fandango.
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