When asked if there were a God, Solondz replied, "I'm an atheist, so I don't really believe there is. Director Writer Solondz has been critically acclaimed for his examination of the "dark underbelly of middle class American suburbia", a reflection of his own background in New Jersey.

: Did you know that Todd Solondz appeared in both As Good as it Gets (1997)as a man on the bus AND in Married to the Mob (1998)as a reporter?-Here is a good interview with Solondz by Walter Chaw of Film Freak Central.-Here is a nice collection of quotes by Solondz about his life and work. I'm a lot more “You look at someone long enough, you discover their humanity.”“Can we get you anything else?

Tuesday, December 2, 2003. The new …

Approved Running time 132m 54s .

Some people will of course accuse me of misanthropy and cynicism. Dedicated to the films of Todd Solondz.

[1] Born into a Jewish family. I’ve thought this for a very long time, but after rewatching As Good as It Gets for the firs time in 20 years I think it is officially confirmed to me that James L. Brooks is one of the most misanthropic movie directors of all time.

Writer I just want to expose certain truths. MovieQuotes.com © 1998-2020 | All rights reserved

You know that, right?“Have you ever let a romantic moment make you do something that you knew was stupid?”“To hell with sex!


With What Family Would You LEAST Like to Spend the Holidays?

Interview by Stephen Thompson, The Onion A.V. One of his earliest jobs in the film industry was when... Born: October 15, 1959 Photos. Title As Good As It Gets Original title As Good as It Gets Year 1997 Director ... Antonia Jones, Kaitlin Hopkins, Jimmy Workman, Danielle Spencer, Todd Solondz, Tom McGowan, Danielle Brisebois, Matt Malloy, Paul Greenberg, Kirk Ringberg, Dave Hawthorne, …

Todd Solondz was born in Newark, New Jersey. It was better than sex! I can't celebrate humanity but I'm not out to indict it either. He initially gave up on his film career after negative experiences making Fear, Anxiety & Depression (1989) but a friend convinced him to give it another try.

Known For Known For I might be the only one who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing that you do, and how you are with Spencer, "Spence", and in every single thought that you have, and how you say what you mean, and how you almost always mean... “- Melvin Udall: You make me want to be a better man.He started hitting me and beat me unconscious, he taught me a lesson he thought I'd never “- Melvin Udall: I can't get back to my old life.

Soundtrack Water, coffee, couple of female “- Carol Connelly: We all have these terrible stories to get over, and you...

Club, "Is There A God? Todd Solondz was born in Newark, New Jersey.


actor It's a measure of the precision with which the director has staked out his own highly specific territory that the title could have served equally well for either of his two subsequent features. I might be the only person on the face of the earth that knows you're the greatest woman on earth. What I needed, he gave me great.”“- Carol Connelly: No, no no, absolutely not.

Dedicated to the films of Todd Solondz. directed this movie

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