Tim Smith . You can read more aboutFranklin County, Virginia is known as the Moonshine Capital of the World.As far as I can tell, it seems as though there is a huge misunderstanding which comes from the drama of the television show and what is really happening. JT is also a big part of the show Moonshiners.You have to realize that in Southwestern Virginia and down into North Carolina and Tennessee, moonshine has a heritage that has made the area what it is today. Bold, Hot and Smooth. And of course there will be plenty more to go around for the rest of Tim's thirsty fans across the U.S.A. The previous ambulance they had was donated by the Alta Vista Rescue Squad (also in Virginia). He was just re-elected in November of this year.
He was just re-elected in November of this year.
He works 60 hours a week. 32. Picture courtesy of the Climax VFD.However, he also tells me he has a keen belief that the shows prosperity could potentially benefit his fire department. The show, like all the other shows on tv, is meant to attract and audience.
The final process allows the whiskey to cool in Oak containers and the result is Tim Smith’s revolutionary Climax Whiskey – Made to be in a Class of its Own.Cinnamon Spice Moonshine using Tim Smith’s original pot-distilled recipe.
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The show is made up of real people and maybe some added drama. Climax Fire No. As a volunteer fire chief in Climax, VA, Tim created this moonshine as a tribute to firefighters across the country. When he wasn’t evading police offers to run secret stills, he worked as a Fire Chief of the Climax Volunteer Fire Department in Virginia.
Have you seen the show “Moonshiners” on the Discovery Channel yet?There is also quite a discussion going on over at VAFireNews.com where the original post about the show was published. © Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved. As a volunteer fire chief in Climax, VA, Tim created this moonshine as a tribute to firefighters across the country.As America’s Most Wanted Moonshiner, Tim Smith is pursued by lawmen and drinkers alike. Moonshine: Moonshiners Tim Smiths | Climax Moonshine - Fire No 32 Cinnamon Spice Moonshine using Tim Smith’s original pot-distilled recipe. Is it Legal or Il-legal, to do that on a tv show? When he is not on the show and making moonshine, Tim helps his volunteer team to put out fires in and around the community.
whiskey its Tim Smith’s century-old moonshine recipe aged and filtered with toasted oak and maple wood imparting color and revolutionary flavors. Currently, there are no plans of a second season.
It’s what makes Tim Smith’s Climax Spirits one of the best in the world. The fix would have cost the department around $9000, money they simply don’t have so they had to give the truck to the repair shop.He told me they have applied for a grant of up to $20,000 to potentially buy a used unit, but they have not received word on the approval of the grant yet.In the meantime, they have re-purposed their brush truck as a 1st responder vehicle and have gotten the applicable State EMS licenses for the vehicle.The show Moonshiners is a 6 episode series on the Discovery Channel. Tim Smith has been the Fire Chief for Climax since 2004. The show is about moonshining, the history, tradition, heritage, and everything else.I originally put together a short article on VAFireNews.com titled “Tim’s wife Shelby is also a member of the department and his son JT hopes to become a junior firefighter in the future.
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