0000036838 00000 n "The Problem of Social Cost". trailer
0000015230 00000 n The social welfare function used is typically a function of individuals' utilities, most commonly some form of utilitarian function, so the tax system is chosen to maximise the aggregate of individual utilities. 0000004294 00000 n 0000015451 00000 n Thus, the government must use the Pigovian tax revenue to lower another tax if it wants to minimize the economic damage of a tax.
"Environmental Levies and Distortionary Taxation: Comment," The American Economic Review, 87(1): 245–251.Jaeger, W.K. 0000033598 00000 n Similar logic suggests the creation of a Pigou provides numerous illustrations of incidental uncharged disservices. Also, where the tax revenue goes greatly affects the success of the tax.
Who is to say that $1.37 per pound of chlorofluorocarbons is an accurate description of the marginal social cost of pollution?
This would effectively reduce the quantity of the product produced, moving the economy back to a healthy equilibrium.
0000036566 00000 n 0000028443 00000 n With the advent of clean air, neighbors may move into the area. 0000004339 00000 n But because C's price has not changed and it can substitute for D, consumers will buy C instead of D. Suddenly the government's environmental tax base has eroded and its revenue with it. We highlight and explain eight lessons from optimal tax theory and compare them to the last few decades of OECD tax policy. 494 58 0000031433 00000 n 0000032932 00000 n Double dividend: Environmental taxes and fiscal reform in the United States.
Although the central question for the double dividend hypothesis and the tax interaction literature has been whether the welfare gains from environmental taxation in a second-best world are larger or smaller than in a first-best setting, the Tax Interaction literature takes this central question and frames it indirectly, by asking whether the second-best optimal environmental tax is higher or lower than the first-best Pigouvian rate. Essentially, each time the tax increases, the population increases and the marginal cost of the status quo increases again, so the factory is punished for making conditions good enough that people want to move there. These taxes could outweigh the environmental benefit. If the government taxes D, it can use the earned revenue to lower the labor income tax.
0000011751 00000 n 0000036438 00000 n Tax on activities generating negative externalitiesNo intervention (direct negotiation between parties)No intervention (direct negotiation between parties)Turvey, Ralph (1963). 115 0 obj <> endobj 0000003321 00000 n
0000037519 00000 n The base can be measures such as income, sales purchases, home value, corporate profits, etc… The tax rate structure is the percentage of the tax base that must be paid in taxes. Aside from this frustration, Barthold noted that politicians often prefer regulations with obvious benefits and hidden costs over regulations with hidden benefits and obvious costs. It is valuable because it enables us to overcome the bogey of Malthusianism and give us a test of progress (in per capita income). Pigou and Arthur Pigou said: "It must be confessed, however, that we seldom know enough to decide in what fields and to what extent the State, on account of [the gaps between private and public costs] could interfere with individual choice. Optimal tax rules Commodity Taxation Use principle to indicate beneficial changes Commodity tax reform Commodity tax and income tax Commodity tax reform: an approach In evaluating a proposed tax reform, need to consider: Impact on tax revenues. Bovenberg and Mooij posit that the increase in the price of goods will outweigh the slight decrease in the income tax. "On Divergences between Social Cost and Private Cost", Economica, N.S., 30(119), pp.
0000032369 00000 n Likely instances of such include organizations intending to lower the polluter's market value as part of a pending plan to buy out its parent entity. In more specific terms, the producer would have to pay for the non-pecuniary externality that it created.
(1972). 0000010426 00000 n This becomes an unreliable and shifting benchmark (Jaeger 2011).In retrospect, three factors contributed to misleading interpretations in the TI literature: an algebraic error, the use of an unreliable benchmark, and unrecognized compounding or double taxation. The divergence between the marginal private interest and the marginal social interest produces two primary results. According to Barthold, taxation makes losers of the factory producers and indirect winners of the consumers. 0000003649 00000 n 0000028388 00000 n
Second, when the marginal social cost exceeds the marginal private benefit, the cost-creator over-produces the product.
0000009939 00000 n Familiar real-world examples of groups intervening for reason unrelated to pollution reduction include opponents of the polluter's (or the polluter's parent organization's) labor practices and groups with seemingly dogmatic opposition to anything connected to nuclear energy. Diogenes 7 (6).Baumol, William J. Introduction to Taxation our purposes, the sections on tax structure, types of tax, tax administration, and understating the tax law will be relatively more important.
0000021938 00000 n
First, Pigovian taxes work in the short-term, because the number of firms cannot vary. The literature on optimal taxation typically treats the social planner as a utilitarian: that is, the social welfare function is … 0000037943 00000 n
0000035367 00000 n " 0000034569 00000 n
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