When miner Charley 'Boomer' Baxter sets off a series of massive mining detonations in West Virginia, a gigantic earthquake is soon rocking the North Atlantic, exposing a deep seismic fault ...

Jackson then asks Charlie of where the Arks are but are interrupted as birds fly off scared by the upcoming eruption.

Beneath the Alaskan landscape, the melting permafrost is about to drastically alter the tranquil scenery. Kate, Noah, and Gordon were still waiting for Jackson and Lilly to return, Kate was about to call Jackson again as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts violently, creating a blinding flash of light. Or was it just a teeny bit exaggerated? Will the mayor act fast before it's too late? 0 0. cyberlarry7. The Yellowstone Ash Cloud spread across the United States and Canada, laying waste to much of the northern landmass, rendering it uninhabitable. The force of the volcano blew Charlie off his feet and trees and several volcanic bombs soon begin shooting down from the erupting volcano. (pesky dialogue removed) 2012 - Yellowstone Erupts: As the Yellowstone Caldera erupts, Jackson (John Cusack) and his daughter Lilly (Morgan Lily) race to get back to the airplane. As Jackson and Lilly were looking for Charlie, Lilly spotted him on the top of a hill and Jackson drove the camper up to the hill and tells Lilly to stay in the camper while he goes to talk to Charlie. Jackson Curtis, Kate Curtis, Noah Curtis, Lilly Curtis, Gordon SilbermanYellowstone Ash Cloud spreads around the USA and CanadaTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Set three years after the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, 'Yellowstone' tells the story of a young man struggling to find a reason to carry on in a lonely and desolate world when ...

Directed by Jeff Wilkinson. Plot: The group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve a map from Charlie with the arks' location. As Jackson and Lilly reach Charlie's camper, they find Charlie gone, but they hear him on the radio, Lilly wanted to go back to the plane, but Jackson said that they cannot because Charlie has a map that shows where the Arks are. The subsequent pyroclastic flow then spread without stopping in an easterly direction across the As December 21st, 2012 arrived, the apocalypse had begun. The Vice President's chopper is reported to have gone down somewhere outside of Pittsburgh, due to the Yellowstone ash cloud. Source(s): movie 2012 yellowstone explosion realistic: https://shortly.im/WHVSs. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.

Charlie Frost, a radio host and conspiracy theorist was killed whilst broadcasting the eruption live on radio. NASA scientist Tom Reynolds thought everything would be fine when he moved to Seattle to be with his fiancé, Navy Lieutenant Emma Peterson.

Set three years after the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, 'Yellowstone' tells the story of a young man struggling to find a reason to carry on in a lonely and desolate world when a brief encounter with a fellow survivor gives him renewed hope for a better future.

A volcano in Yellowstone Park suddenly erupts. 6 years ago.

But Jackson said that he will take Lilly and tells Kate to fill the plane's fuselage, and Kate tells Jackson to hurry. As Woody Harrelson declares from his front row seat to the eruption as a gigantic burning rock hurls toward him, "It's beautiful."

After large-scale evacuations of most of the planet have been commenced, and the massive earthquake destroyed Los Angeles and the whole state of As Jackson went off to find Charlie Frost, his 7-year-old daughter Lilly wanted to come with him but Kate didn't want her too. Trivia The park was destroyed when Yellowstone's caldera erupted in 2012, leading to the entire area to become a super-volcano big enough to create an ash cloud that can swallow the entire United States. The ash cloud was catching up to them fast, but Gordon managed to get the plane to go fast and they narrowly escaped. Beat the literal heat with three films that capture the spirit of summer love.Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? The Yellowstone Caldera Eruption of 2012 was a cataclysmic event marked by the eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera in Yellowstone National Park.It occurred on December 21st 2012 as the Earth Crust Displacement made its effects known during the 2012 apocalypse. Various cities that were hit by the ash cloud which includes: Yet another volcano disaster film and made by the Syfy channel?! In the movie 2012, was the Yellowstone explosion accurately depicted when Woody Harrelson stood there while everything was exploding and scary as ****? As Woody Harrelson declares from his front row seat to the eruption as a gigantic burning rock hurls toward him, "It's beautiful." The city itself is never shown. Pittsburgh was the second-largest city in the state of Pennsylvania.

While Kate brings Lilly to the plane, Jackson went to look for the map but is unaware that the ground was cracking beneath the camper. Charlie stays behind to broadcast it while Jackson and Lilly escape in the camper. Noah and Lilly were devastated as they both thought that Jackson was killed, but as they are prepared to leave, Kate sees a hand coming out of the crack; Jackson had climbed out. Three tornadoes converge to wreak havoc on Chicago, disrupting the power grid and creating the worst super-storm in history: a category 6 twister. 5 of 5 people found this review helpful.

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