Choose which default price to show in player listings and Squad Builder Rate Player Base Stats (1-10) The highest-rated players in FIFA 21 are unlikely to receive huge boosts to their ratings from FIFA 20, as it is very rare for a player to go from unnoticed to become one of the world's best players. Engine BASIC (48%) Shadow
Chiellini (shadow) bildete mit Koulibaly die Innenverteidigung meiner ersten Weekend-League - zuvor spielte ich noch mit Nicklas Stark (Sentinel), zur WL sollte aber das große Kaliber seinen Mann stehen..Dies hat der mittlerweile in die Jahre gekommene Giorgio allerdings nicht immer gut hinbekommen. 0.06 Giorgio Chiellini's FIFA 20 Overall Rating (OVR) is 89 with Potential Rating (POT) of up to 89. Basic Matches played Won Dry Lose In start squad Avg rating Minutes played Cards MOTM; 3: 3: 0: 0: 3: 7.27: 270: 0 0 0 : 0
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504,278 0.01 Basic
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