"As a parent, even the seemingly mundane moments can be so meaningful. His loving, supportive family, of course.Remember the frightening time of teaching your teenager how to drive? And some, like Trace Adkins's "Just Fishin,” are just about the simple joys of being a dad. By the time the father realizes what he’s let slip away, and wants to spend time with his son, life has come full circle — his son is too busy for him now.

But you'll both get a kick out of listening to them "together." Not necessarily a song about dads, but a beautiful moment between a real-life father and daughter. In honor of Father’s Day this Sunday, here are ten of my favorites.

Songs such as 1972's Free Four ("I am the dead man's son") and 1983's The Fletcher Memorial Home (which castigates "colonial wasters of life and limb") give Roger's fury free rein, while the … What would you add to this list? But you'll both get a kick out of listening to them "together." Here’s what a group of milspouses and milsos– from all over the world, from all walks of life, and from all kinds of experiences– said. You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. "It doesn't get sweeter than a song about the love between a father and daughter.

From fishing by the pond and working on his son's first car to watching him get married, a father relives some of his favorite memories with his son. Frontman Chris Taylor Brown clearly thinks size matters.

This 1970 folk rock classic by Cat … He wrote “My Father’s Eyes” was inspired by that and the death of his own son Conor, who fell from an apartment window at the age of 4. On the album included this ‘duet’, in which her vocals were placed on top of her father’s famous recording. "He Didn't Have To Be" is a tribute to all of the step-dads and other father figures who help raise children.With "Daddy's Hands," Holly Dunn beautifully describes a father-daughter relationship with a focus on her dad's hands—both the gentle comfort they provided and the discipline they gave, all for the sake of love. '"For those whose dads are no longer here, this tune will be a heartwarming reminder of your favorite guy. Fatherhood doesn’t get as many songs penned about it as romantic love to be sure, but there have definitely been some dad-themed gems put out over the decades. 10 Great Songs About Dads. She sings: “Daddy’s hands were soft and kind when I was cryin’ / Daddy’s hands were hard as steel when I'd done wrong / Daddy’s hands weren't always gentle but I've come to understand / There was always love in daddy's hands.”“Ev'rything he gave to us took all he had,” is one of the powerful lines from country superstar Reba McEntire’s song about not connecting with the man who “lived just down the hall.” The heartbreaking ballad ends with: “He never said he loved me. She sings: “Your light buried the dark / A constant unwavering heart … You have carried me though more than you could know.”This song has a bit of a Canadian connection because Miley Cyrus spent her early years living in Toronto, where her dad Billy Ray Cyrus worked on the TV series Doc.

Guess he thought I knew.”Rapper Asher Roth’s father died at 56.

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