The slick roads caused spinouts and wrecks across metro Atlanta and north Georgia. ATLANTA — Remember Snowmageddon, aka Snowpocalypse, in 2014? The mess became something of a national joke in northern cities accustomed to dealing with quite a bit more snow, and was 11Alive Traffic Tracker Crash Clark was on his second day on the job, dealing with probably the worst traffic situation ever to befall Atlanta. Many people were unable to even get on the roads to get to the airport.Snow and ice on roads near Georgia State University in downtown Atlanta. As with most major winter storms in the American South, a low-pressure system formed near the western Gulf of Mexico, in this case, over Mexico on January 27, and eventually moved eastward. Here is our video story about how some stranded drivers had to sleep in their cars because of the ice. On January 28, 2014, unexpected weather conditions caused metro-Atlanta … Hundreds of people were forced to abandon their cars on the interstate and seek shelter in nearby stores such as Kroger, Home Depot and CVS. Snowmageddon 2014 | Atlanta, Georgia If you are on social media (which hello, you probably are if you’re reading this blog) or watch the news at all, you are aware of the pure and utter chaos that hit Atlanta yesterday. "So go outside and appreciate the clear conditions - it's Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings.On Jan. 28, 2014, two-plus inches of snow brought the city to its knees. In all, as many as 800 students spent the night at county schools after roads became too dangerous.Students were also rescued from buses that became stuck on the icy streets.If you weren't here for the storm, take a look at pictures in the slideshow above!More than 800 required to quarantine in Georgia school district that doesn't require masksRuby Tuesday Has Reportedly Shut Down One-Third Of Its Restaurants This Year In 2014, Winter Storm Leon kicked off a real-world social distancing experiment here in Georgia. Snowmageddon (2014): Georgia’s State of Embarassment. Pictures taken in the early evening already showed the chaos.By 6 p.m., metro Atlanta roadways were at a standstill and motorists who thought they would be home in a few hours were stuck on the interstates.It is an image that would be seen over and over again. He said the city's response was better than after "Snowmageddon 2011," the winter storm that paralyzed the Atlanta metro that year. ATLANTA — It's one of the most infamous weather events in Atlanta history, and it turns six years old today: Snowmageddon.On Jan. 28, 2014, two inches and change of snow brought the city to its knees, the images of cars trapped on the interstate indelibly fixed in Atlanta's collective memory.Although the city only received 2.6 inches of snow, cars were stranded on all three highways for up to a day. You know, that time when commuters, schools and businesses all let out at the same time, causing gridlock. Many area stores opened their doors to take in stranded drivers.
Snowmageddon (2014): Georgia’s State of Embarassment. Want to go even further back to the snowstorm of 2011? Natalie Dreier, Cox Media Group National Content Desk Natalie Dreier, Cox Media Group National Content Desk Debbie Lord, Cox Media Group National Content Desk Natalie Dreier, Cox Media Group National Content Desk Motorists stopped on normally busy roadways.And then the reports that have become the worst fears from parents during winter weather. ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46) Tuesday is the sixth anniversary of Snowmageddon 2014 and let's hope this never happens again! Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. 6 Call the Navy, call the National Guard because Georgia just declared a state of emergency for two inches of snow! All Rights Reserved. Channel 2's Richard Elliot caught one car spinning out on Ga. 400 live on TV. Children stuck on a school bus many hours after they were supposed to be home safe.But the spirit of Atlanta and the South combined on social media to form a group where neighbors began to help neighbors.As the sun began to rise the next day, people woke up to the news that many of those same vehicles on Atlanta's interstates remained there overnight.The snow and ice on the roadways made many areas simply impassable.Members of the National Guard were called upon to help stranded motorists.The merit of those in the South showed themselves over and over again.State and city leaders were put on the offensive for their handling of the storm.But some folks still were able to have a little fun.The sea of vehicles on the roadway showed signs of clearing by Jan. 30.But in those sea of vehicles, reports of babies being born...This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. He said the city has spent $2.5 million since then on … We've had a number of winter weather events, but city officials have been well-prepared each time.Here's how the story unfolded on our Facebook page:The first signs of a snow storm aren't typically flakes falling from the sky...A few hours into the Winter Storm Warning and FOX 5's Joanne Feldman was already tracking snow showers moving into the state.Road conditions quickly deteriorated due to a mix of icy conditions and people heading home early.
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