It launched on 9 June 2010 and ended on 24 August 2010, lasting 77 days - the shortest run since the Following Channel 4's decision in 2009 not to renew their contract with Endemol to show the series, The logo, which was made up of hundreds of brightly coloured flowers, and was a tribute to the eleven series since its debut in 2000.The titles had a carnival theme which included spinning cogs, a gramophone which was exploding with flower petals, a ventriloquist dummy and a spinning Big Brother clock which was striking 11. A squatter, Shabby lives in a squat in a Victorian house in south London.Keen to transform people's opinions of squatters, Shabby believes she is a citizen of the world. Her film career as a child star saw her appear in Black Beauty and lose out to Lindsay Lohan for the lead role in The Parent Trap. Ben, Caoimhe, Dave, Govan, John James, Josie, Mario, Nathan, Shabby, and Steve voted for Sunshine. For the weekly shopping task, housemates had to portray characters from In Week 9, Housemates nominated by pouring buckets of custard, mud, baked beans and tinned spaghetti or Big Brother's special sauce over the person they wished to nominate. There was also cutaway messages during the titles, spelling out 'Welcome' 'To The' 'Mad House'. Big Brother selected thirteen housemates, whilst the final, fourteenth housemate was chosen by a random draw held by Davina.Mario was required to complete a series of tasks for the Tree of Temptation. He was not given his proper suitcase and instead had to wear flamboyant clothes provided by Big Brother.
She can not spend more than six months in one place so has to move on. Rachael voted for Steve, and Sunshine voted for Ben. A squatter, Shabby lives in a squat in a Victorian house in south London. Sunshine had to depict five headlines from the previous night's newspapers on a giant note pad in the garden. Oppression and Keira Knightley make her angry and she was once regressed and learnt she was an elf in a former life. In the final week, Andrew was given a task by the Tree of Temptation – he had to answer every question that he was asked with the word 'yes'. Corin and Ife voted for Mario. For the weekly shopping task, housemates competed to become the ultimate pantomime housemate. She's now returned to filmmaking from the other side of the camera and thinks 'films shouldn't be escapist; they should hold a mirror up to the world and show it what it's really like'. Keen to transform people's opinions of squatters, Shabby believes she is a citizen of the world. For the week's shopping task, Bob Righter predicted 15 things about the housemates. As the majority did not identify Mario as the mole, Mario was allowed to stay in the House as an official housemate.For the first shopping task, set on Day 2, all of the housemates except Sunshine had a meal at a dining table suspended forty metres in the air. On Day 73, Steve (9.8% of the public vote), Corin (20.6% of the public vote), Sam (14.6% of the public vote) and John James (34.2% of the public vote) left the house in a quadruple eviction. The following day, Dave, Shabby and Sunshine took part in the weekly Shabby holding her life-like puppet during a task in Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. For every correct answer the housemates at the dining table guessed, the housemates received £100 for next week's shopping budget.In the second week, Ben, Dave, Govan and Shabby were originally nominated. Housemates being served breakfast in bed by ex-Andrew finished in fifth place to cheers and the song On the evening of Day 70 the house suffered from a freak rainstorm, resulting in the evacuation of the housemates to a nearby location in the Big Brother compound, due to severe flooding which caused leaks in the bedroom and living room from the roof.At 8:33pm on Day 71, the housemates were allowed access to the whole house. JJ and John James won and competed in the annual pantomime horse race at In Week 10, after Jo's eviction, housemates had to choose a fellow housemate to be given a ticket to the final. On Day 71, ex-housemates Ben, Nathan and Rachael returned to the house as part of a task.
Mario successfully completed all four secret missions, however, in the evening, Big Brother confirmed that there was a mole in the House. Adding to his humiliation, his fellow housemates Dave, JJ, Josie and Mario, were told in turn of Andrew's task so they could have fun manipulating him. She hates being told no and has an inner spoilt brat waiting to get out. Despite wanting to portray squatters in a new light (she has a shoot planned with Italian Vogue) she admits she eats food discarded by supermarkets. As the housemates passed their task, they were awarded with a 'Perfect Day' the next day consisting of: She dislikes public transport, authority figures and strawberries - her fear of mould means she refuses to eat fruit at all. She always knew she was gay and at school all the girls who wanted to experiment with their sexuality used to kiss her to test the waters. On Day 6, after receiving five nominations from her fellow housemates, Shabby was nominated for eviction. Former child actor turned rebel girl Shabby (real name Keeley) describes herself as 'a walking contradiction with a love of poetry and giant boobs'. Former child actor turned rebel girl Shabby (real name Keeley) describes herself as 'a walking contradiction with a love of poetry and giant boobs'. Shabby saved herself in the task "Scooter Slide", where each nominated housemate had three attempts to ride a scooter through a course without knocking over any markers and replaced herself with Mario.On Day 18, housemates won a penalty shootout against the housemates in the In the fourth week, on Day 26, housemates took part in a In Week 5, Caoimhe, Corin and Ife were nominated for eviction, but Caoimhe won the Save and Replace task – a Week 7's nominations saw Ben, Dave, John James and Steve face eviction but Steve saved himself in the "Battle of the Brides" task.Week 8 was focussed on the arrival of Sam.
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