Selkies’ coats range from chestnut brown to slate, dappled with darker spots of gray. Medium plant, chaotic evil.

Male selkies grow to a length of 6-1/2 feet but can weigh up to 300 pounds because of … Kelpie . A type of shapeshifter, a selkie’s normal form is that of a unique seal species who can shed their skin to become a full-figured human touched by fey beauty. A selkie’s head is a blend of human and seal, with large eyes and a mouth full of curved teeth. Her webbed hands end in sharp claws, and her jaws open unnaturally wide to reveal pointed teeth.A selkie can instinctively alter the intonation of its voice to make anything it says sound more pleasing to those who understand it.

This ability allows selkies to add the perfect intonation, pitch, and emphasis to any words they speak, making it difficult for listeners to disbelieve even the most outlandish stories and tales.The true nature and origin of selkies puzzle scholars the world over. The selkie is a creature of Finnish, Irish, and Scottish folklore. Monsters List Source: 5th Edition SRD ↓ Attributes. A selkie, sometimes referred to as a (sort of) sealwere, was a very rare creature, capable of taking the form of a seal-like being or of a humanoid. A comprehensive list of all official monsters for Fifth Edition.

They are comfortable in the deep sea and on the ground. I wanted to use selkies, but found that the official pathfinder stats really didn't seem to capture their mythos that well. Graceful and kind, Selkies spend the majority of their lives in the cold waters of northern oceans, though some tribes migrate to and through more temperate climates.

Selkies are clever and brutal seal-like beings that often inhabit the colder oceans of the world.Although capable predators, selkies are best known for their mysterious shapechanging ability, which allows them to come ashore in the guise of land dwellers and even live among other races before luring their victims beneath the waves to drown. Selkies’ coats range from chestnut brown to slate, dappled with darker spots of gray.

They have little formal structure in their own societies, preferring to establish hierarchy through tests of dominance. While not necessarily beautiful, they are charismatic, strong, and agile, and are able to shift into their seal form with the use of their sealskin.

Traditional Selkie (Fey) Monster I was working on a campaign for pathfinder, focused around a town nestled around a river estuary. Jump to: navigation, search. Legends depict them as seals that can become human by shedding their seal skin and emerging from the water. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monsters. Legends depict them as seals that can become Check out our other SRD sites! Male selkies grow to a length of 6-1/2 feet but can weigh up to 300 pounds because of the extra fat the creatures need to survive in colder climes. A selkie’s body is extremely well muscled, but those muscles sit beneath a sheaf of fat that insulates the creature in places where even saltwater freezes. Observers first thought them to be a rare breed of oceanic The selkie is a creature of Finnish, Irish, and Scottish folklore. Monsters List Edit Page Content. All selkies can change their shape at will, shifting to take the form of any Selkies are aided in their efforts to trick and beguile others by their uncanny ability to mimic human emotions when speaking. Selkies are fae creatures native to the ocean, and other salt water areas.

When using the Selkies can inhabit waters of any climate, but are best adapted to live in colder oceans and inlets. Females are slightly shorter and slimmer.Check out our other SRD sites! In folklore, a selkie that regains their freedom almost always returns to the sea, abandoning not only their captor, but any children they may have had together. This beautiful woman changes shape rapidly to become a sleek, aquatic creature with a gray hide of short fur. This natural resilience to cold is so strong that even magical frost and ice can bounce harmlessly off of a selkie’s hide.Selkies prey mostly on waterfowl, fish, and other small marine Selkies also have supernatural powers at their disposal. Kelpie (5e Creature) From D&D Wiki.

Most tales of selkies are romantic, usually with a tragic ending. Selkies tend to be Chaotic. In its natural form, a selkie has webbed, clawed hands and a muscular trunk ending in broad flippers.A selkie’s head is a blend of human and seal, with large eyes and a mouth full of curved teeth.

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