Approximately 1,500 files or parts of files were previously digitized and added to the database as a part of other projects. 2,168 of the 200,000 who served in the Royal Canadian Navy ; The records. Operational records for the Royal Flying Corps/Royal Naval Air Service/Royal Air Force are in the custody of the National Archives in England. See A selection of the most relevant documents from a file, which highlight/summarize the individual's service, including enlistment, units served with, family details, medal entitlements, circumstances of death, etc.A genealogy package for each file has been digitized by our partners at and are available to view for free. From the drop-down box, choose the volume number range, then the specific volume number. A few months ago I sent for the military records of my father's brother, Clarence E. McGinnis. If the unit is an operational one (i.e., 419th Squadron), they will include details of missions flown and lists of aircraft and aircrew involved.Operational records for the Royal Flying Corps/Royal Naval Air Service/Royal Air Force are in the custody of the References to the Operations Record Books (RG24-E-7) can be identified by using the Little or no personal information about individuals is entered in these records.Ships Logs for Canada's naval vessels (RG24-D-2) can be identified by using the Ships Logs for Canada's naval vessels (RG24-D-2) can be identified by using the Operations Record Books outline the activities and flying operations of a Royal Canadian Air Force unit. Restrictions apply to all those records. The records include Mercantile reservists, Shetland Royal Naval Reservists (service numbers which include L) and reservists in the Royal Naval Reserve Trawler Section (RNR [T] – service numbers which include DA, E, SA, SB or TS). 1: Records pre - 1924: These records are held at the UK National Archive . But I never knew where he served, what unit he was in, or what he did during the War. Those digitized images are indicated in the database entries with a pdf link.If the file is not digitized in our database, see the other options. The covering dates relate to the dates of opening the registers. It is advised that you look there first before contacting the NMRN. Photo owned by Lorine McGinnis Schulze. Admiralty: Royal Navy Registers of Seamen's Services Description: Registers, arranged numerically giving date of birth, ship or shore establishment and an account of service. The diaries rarely mention individuals by name, with the exception of some references to officers.The war diaries for the Canadian Expeditionary Force (RG9-D-III-3) have been digitized.

See References to War diaries (RG24-C-3) can be identified by using the Ships logs constitute a ship's official record, containing information about routine shipboard activities at sea and in harbour, as well as weather and sea conditions, all movements of the ship, details of operational exercises and special events such as visits by senior military personnel.

Follow these steps to see the digitized genealogy packages on Ancestry:If you have your own subscription to Ancestry or if you use it at a public library, you can search for a file in their database by name. Please note, if you can't find the file by name, go to the section on the right-hand side called Browse this Collection. Also includes how to search for POW records from WW1 & WW2. How to Access Canadian WW2 Service Records December 07, 2016 . To do this, you must order copies from LAC using our online For other research sources at Library and Archives Canada and at other institutions and websites, please visit our Many books have been written that tell the history and activities of specific regiments during the war. The National Museum of the Royal Navy only holds a very limited number of service related documents as most UK service records are held by the Ministry of Defence or the National Archives.

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