An attack reduction of 34% is “enough”Nope. If a hero is ranked 1 in all categories, it equals the max, if a hero is ranked last in all categories, the minimum score is a 4. Credits: Small Giant games, Anchor7DD, among many others for their time to compile all the farming guides and information that you see here. Richard would only be worth it as a tank, but then you'd lose Magni. You are better off putting effort on Grimm, Kiril or whatever good 4* you have than on a mediocre 5* just because it’s a 5*. (Second Joon, Vela, Frida.) 10% mana reduction and 20% mana reduction is essentially the same thing. 13:48. Rest of the blues are 4*s- Grimm Kiril Sonya Boril. Best heroes, farming guides & more 5 Star Costume Review. Talking about what he does on offense, defense, on titans & Raid Tournaments. Rigard #3 is waiting in the wings to be leveled.I would say both because you use both in different circumstances plus you can put emblems if you wantYeah i leveled the original aswell as you want to get to the 8th emblem on them for that extra 2% mana boost.As combined with the 5% mana boost from costume you only need a level 1 mana troop to shave 1 tile of themThe official subreddit for the exciting mobile game "Empires & Puzzles". (Becaues if you already have a deep bench, you will level these costumes anyway because you don’t have anything better to do with your resources already. With that said, I still don’t regret it. Once tell is maxed and I take off those emblems, I sadly won’t have much use for him. It cost not much but make my Rich stronger. I've been in a lot of save modes, and eventually the waiting paid off. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. You are still going to snipe certain key enemy heroes first. The official subreddit for the exciting mobile game "Empires & Puzzles". Discuss tips and strategies, ask questions and make friends with other players around the globe. Definite Level upSimilar Heal ratio, additional effect.

Nope. For example you could use Sonya against Ares or Boldtusk, and use Viking Champion costume when dealing with Gravemakers etc. Having all enemies have a defense reduction is pretty similar to having 3 enemies with defense reduced. Found a maxed costumed Joon - empires and puzzles - … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts So why do you want to go through all that effort and strip her of that title?Same/ Similar effect. (Alternatively, you can direct users to opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies for personalized advertising by visiting Nope.Considerable, but why do you want a Dark Horghall? I haven’t done anything with Richard since I have better blues. Therefore, if you use these 5 star heroes often, and you get the costume for free, go ahead and level the costume up. This means that there is essentially no downgrade in the amount of health that Melendor heals.Deals 345% damage to a target, dispels all status ailments from all allies.A HUGE boost to versatility. Before everything else, do NOT spend gems (or $) trying to get the hero costumes. (Defense increase)To put into perspective, most 5 Star heroes of health of 1300 to 1500hp. 10 would be acceptable for me. (Alternatively, you can direct users to opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies for personalized advertising by visiting You can check out our guide to Farming Gems in Empires and Puzzles here. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 609 hp is 40% to 50% over 3 turns. My first and my best 5* stillI love using Richard but I had to emblem him for him to be good. Rly, now he can tank as my kunchen on 9 emblem and strike like Leonidas.Huh. TheBudMan69 Empires & Puzzles 12,096 views. A resounding level up!3 Star costumes are pretty easy to level up, and will definitely factor this into the review.Similar to Sonya, Viking Champion. 609 hp is 40% to 50% over 3 turns. Vivica – Magician Supreme.

Red and Green are more important in the current meta in Diamond anyway.If you are not sold on a hero, and I assume you have been running him at 3:70 or close to test, then don’t ascend. Richard is my main blue Hero, in addition I have isarnia but I got costumes for him and lvled by Hero from camp.

Quintus – Electro Scientist.

Ascension 1 Ascension 2 Ascension 3 Ascension 4 Fully Maxed 3* Costume 0%/0%/0%/0% 1%/1%/3%/1% 3%/3%/6%/3% N/A 5%/5%/10%/5% 4* Costume 0%/0%/0%/0% 1%/1%/2%/1% 2%/2%/5%/2% 3%/3%/6%/3% 5%/5%/10%/5% 5* Costume 0%/0%/0%/0% 1%/1%/2%/1% 2%/2%/4%/2% 3%/3%/6%/3% 5%/5%/10%/5% Costume keys are obtainable from Costume quest, Alliance War Chest, Mystic Vision & wanted missions. I did exactly that, brought him to 4/1, then started the costume. All information have been shifted to here: Empires and Puzzles Hero Costumes. 4 Star Costume Review Li Xiu – Ceremonial Assassin.

I guess I forgot his costume makes him entirely grey.Richard is my main blue Hero, in addition I have isarnia but I got costumes for him and lvled by Hero from camp. Discuss tips and strategies, ask questions and make friends with other players around the globe.Press J to jump to the feed. I’d say fully max a regular one and emblem him and take the other to 4.1 until you want to put emblems on the second. Horghall – Wooden Jester. Richard is my main blue Hero, in addition I have isarnia but I got costumes for him and lvled by Hero from camp.

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