Don’t Wait Some retail managers make the mistake of waiting until the end of … A good marketing scheme, along with happy customers will work wonders for your income. The full corporation mode, which allows you to control lots of sotres, and play the game like a CEO of a large retail chain. Get more out of your Kongregate experience. Your game will start after this message When you have too much on your plate to handle yourself, it might be the time for you to get some staff. Manage the in-store marketing, so that both the fashionistas and the discount-hunters knows where to go, and which article to pick. Doom Eternal [Online Game Code] Extra savings w/ promo code BTHDSALE, limited offer. Join our community of players around the world and help shape the future of King of Retail For an article to be taken home by a customer, a lot of things must be taken care of. But how do you keep your team motivated with PROFIT as the goal? Expand your store, increase your profit and progress to the very top! Keep them motivated and develop their skills. Kongregate free online game Retail! Black Friday? Optimize the prizes to increase the income. Keep them happy, and make sure they are not overworked. Is a VIP coming? Find interesting candidates among the applications. One of the most effective ways to do that is to put together a motivational plan which includes games. 5 Dragon Mahjong 6 Dreamfields 7 Algerian Patience Solitaire 8 The Rise of Atlantis 9 Farmerama 10 Forty Thieves Solitaire Gold. Create a nice atmosphere for your customers.

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A retail simulation game King of Retail is a store management simulation game, where you as the owner of a new store must make the right decisions to make your store thrive and bring you the big bucks. Retail Games Original, bespoke content, designed for specific markets is a speciality of Playtech Retail. KEY = Big Fish Games Exclusive = New Game = Popular = Players. Build your reputation among your customers, and make your store the most sought after in town. Find the customer patterns and adjust the opening hours accordingly. But don't oversell your idea. PC games & mac games - Play puzzle games, arcade games, mahjong games, card games, word games and more! Plan the perfect marketing scheme, and become the most popular store. Buy and sell the right articles. But you still need to sort the slackers from the workers. Plan an efficient staff schedule, so you don't pay people for doing nothing. Take advantage of ad-free gaming, cool profile skins, automatic beta access, and private chat with Kong Plus. First you must select and order the articles. Paint the interior and place your inventory. Should it be a Shoe Store for the fashionable type, an Electronics Store for your everyday needs, or a giant Hypermarket that sells a bit of everything? But the devil is in the detail. Analyse the market and order the right articles from reputable suppliers. Set the right prices for the right market. Clothing, gorceries and electronics. Can you spot the next big trend before anyone else? Not everything will work. 2 Hidden Express 3 Cubis Gold 2 4 Bubblez! The bulk selling jeans, or the hyped silk shirt? It should be simple enough for them to incorporate into their normal job duties without it becoming a distraction. Hire the right staff for the right job.

Invest time in the right persons, and train them to become better so when you need a stand-in for yourself, when you move to the next store, you can pick from your own home-grown talents. Weed out the poor selling articles, and get more of the good ones.

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