Remi gained so much weight I didn’t recognize her. I briefly skimmed over Tiff's video - but must feel bad for Remi seeing how much progress they've made.Omg you guys look at TK’s TikTok. Here is the tiktok acct with the videos remi is in. #FATREMI20202!! Her hair looks so dated and brassy and she probably paid a fortune to fry it.Jeez I hate this site, it’s lags so bad and took me like 10 minutes to even get to type this.

I find it interesting that remi his the fact that she got the computer him.

Maybe that’s why she’s not uploading anything. Gossip Politics about YouTube Gurus and Personalities. 2C174430-DEB9-4488-9A2C-5E42D8B65F4E.png . As someone with a smaller social media following, I’ve been making it KNOWN, about the asian hate crimes on my own platform … maybe he is starting to realise what he has gotten himself into.

Like just go eat a candy bar after you workout, Remi. The gluttony of it all.I find this weird like Cal needs to ask her before eating her stuff or meal prepared .Also what is the point of buying all those dairy free things (almond whipped cream?) It’s like she knows what she’s doing is wrong and she’ll get backlash from it but continues to just do it. Also I’m really glad someone brought up the fact that her portions are HUGE. Maybe that’s why she’s not uploading anything. Gossip Politics about YouTube Gurus and PersonalitiesSo those "Fit Bars' she was gifted are like 170 calories each. Remi Cruz's Instagram profile has 745 photos and videos. tksjuicypolls and they are from yesterday so recent.Full disclaimer: i listen to PB & find the girls entertaining sometimes.Can someone send me the discord invite link?

!I feel she gifted him the computer. when at the end of the day you stuff yourself with whey protein and those protein does she workout when 90% of her boobs are spilling out of her sports bra?! Skip to content. So I didn’t even try to quote the lady above!Does anyone know where Remi got the speckled Cowprint wallpaper in her office?

I kind of love it after staring at it for so long The one I keep trying says it expired.I guess now that the pounds returned, The ugly blonde is back along with her security blanket.. i mean, extensions. 594 posts Page 24 of 24. Re: Miss Remi Ashten: Everything but the Hygiene - Part 16 Post by Givemethedonut » Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:38 pm Remi is the last person I’d look to for health snack ideas and workout advice from.

I saw they tagged miss remi Ashten and got peeved beyond belief.

Sorry please don’t come for me but I don’t know why people are complaining about her gaining weight.. I’m all here for Fat Remi to come back y’all!!! It’s funny her “healthy” meals are horrifyingly unhealthy. The images are packaged sets from a company. tksjuicypolls and they are from yesterday so recent.Omg you guys look at TK’s TikTok.
Because hes working on it after his birthday and earlier i saw him use his laptop. MissRemiAshten Miss Remi Ashten: Everything but the Hygiene - Part 16.

The amount of sodium in her meals with all the salt, garlic salt, everything but the bagel seasoning, sriracha, etc is enough to make her so bloated without all the extra fat and sugar she eats throughout the day. I don’t know if all her fans are blind or what. Seeing as the rest of azn girl squad has posted their videos at the same time but Remi's video is still MIA, I wouldn't be surprised if she chose to not post it because she didn't see any results given how unhealthy she is with the boat load of food and snacks she eats throughout the day. Remi is the last person I’d look to for health snack ideas and workout advice from. !The amount of nutritional yeast she poured on that poor broccoli. Why can't that woman have a normal amount of aaaaaanything? Here is the tiktok acct with the videos remi is in. AAD981A1-5D64-44EC-872E-DEEAF7E77FC3.png. came to follow the thread and was greeted with a giant pic of what was underneath her nails lmao I am so disturbed. Like every time I watch her videos of her eating I think of how extremely full I would be. Follow them to see all their posts. And I think that’s a big part of her weight gain, she thinks she need to be full to the brim for every meal. Don’t even get me started on the does not seem so happy in her recent stories haha. LIFESTYLE VLOGGERS. What a waste of time for something ugly that the other “influencers” have too. What an idiot she is.I can’t believe I was right about the collage being put on piece by piece! Board index.
Gossip Politics about YouTube Gurus and PersonalitiesWonder what's going on with Remi and the Chloe Ting abs workout lol.

Guru Gossip. I legit said EW outloud and my roommate was like WHAT HAPPENED? Remi gained so much weight I didn’t recognize her.

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