Scrolling through Instagram or Facebook during the holidays is typically quite predictable. Let it be your opinion instead of what you assume is “right” as per Social Media.Contrary to popular belief “just showing up” isn’t enough. In particular, our physical communities are made of spaces in which we interact, mingle, and strive to get along. Just as chilling for the future of democracy, perhaps, is the case of Spain in 2015. Were you even “really” there if you were just recording for your newsfeed and typing paragraphs of captions?After the protest once everyone patted themselves on the back for a job well done, the streets would be littered with coffee cups, water bottles, even protest posters and snacks — hardly eco-friendly of them.And then there came the worst of it all — the band-wagoners, the uninformed, the ones who weren’t even sure what the movement was about but knew being part of it was “the right thing to do”. The That’s aside from more recent revelations that foreign actors, trolls, and automated bot farms pretending to be citizens not only can hack away at societal unity through amplifying divisions, but also can generate millions of online comments aiming to sway public policy one way or another.Digital technology has opened up unimaginable worlds of access and connectivity, but it has also brought into question its own role in undermining the foundations of governments built by people, for people. Fake Identities. In fact, it can detract from the value of the movement if the people behind it aren’t passionate, well informed and above all, A newsletter that delivers The Startup's most popular stories to your inbox once a month. The show … One can’t navigate Social Media without running into people on both sides of these issues passionately sharing their views. As recently as 2017 and 2018, at least 30 U.S. state legislatures mooted, and in some cases passed, proposals that restricted the freedom of assembly. These interactions can be small, often almost inconsequential (that borrowed cup of sugar, say), but our brains have evolved to look for our tribes, our communities, Effective protest requires not just the right of the people to gather, but accessible public spaces in which gathering is possible and citizens who understand what those rights are. Which makes sense, if you want to spread awareness, but seemed pointless if you were on your phone throughout the march/protest. “Public ‘streets and parks … [from] time out of mind, have been used for purposes of assembly … Such use of the streets and public places has, from ancient times, been a part of the privileges, immunities, rights, and liberties of citizens,’” stated a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 1939 that upheld the right to assemble on the public streets, striking down a municipal requirement that such gatherings require a previously obtained permit.These are powerful words, drawing on the lessons of history. Social media is key in sharing this type of information to all those who might want it. Posts of family, vacations, great food, amazing views and the like. From protests against the Vietnam War to the Civil Rights movement, from Nelson Mandela to the Arab Spring. Social media has become our main source of interaction with others and information about politics and social issues. Copyright (c) 2020 by The Atlantic Monthly Group. From the status of Kashmir as a Union Territory in India to alleged state sponsored violence against student protesters. ... Social media are often thought of as the new ground for political and social activism. I’ll say this much — In my own city there’s massive drives to plant trees, clean lakes and help clean plastic waste — the amount of people at these scarcely touches a thousand compared to the tens of thousands at these protests.If the amount of people protesting would do something “The greatest enemy of progress is not stagnation, but false progress.” — Sydney HarrisThe people protesting governments and politicians should not fall prey to the very things they’re protesting such as fake news circulated via Instant Messaging and Social Media.If you must take a stand, let it be an informed, well-researched one, not just a re-share from a friend who you know is “woke”. The everyday dynamics that walkable neighborhoods provide also ensure the regular connections to the rest of humanity that each of us desperately needs. The realities of face-to-face contact and in-person mass protests, the tools of centuries of struggle for full citizenship and rights, have become even more essential to grounding us as we navigate through a new era of humans’ relationship with technology. This is sometimes referred to as social activism. Now, bear in mind this protest was against Climate Change, yet From the “stories” posted on Instagram, more than half the people at these protests had their phones out. Eighteen thousand people sent in Is this, combined with the uncertain reality of online comments and petitions, our future? Some laws banned the wearing of face masks or hoods while participating in protest; others sought to eviscerate the collective energy of assembly by loosening definitions that allow a legal protest to be considered an unlawful riot; and still others moved to give drivers legal immunity when they run over protesters who are obstructing a public road or highway.Protesters in authoritarian countries such as Russia and Turkey have been arrested by the hundreds, if not the thousands, and their rights of assembly removed. Blacks and whites alike offer somewhat mixed assessments of the benefits and costs of activism on social media. Online movements can burn out faster than campaigns that spend months or even years forging in-person connections.Social media are often thought of as the new ground for political and social activism. Social media activism is a form of protest or advocacy for a cause that uses social media channels. In answer to a blanket ban on protests of any kind, as well as marches or assemblies in front of Congress, activists resorted to protest by hologram.
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