Revenants are smart enough to adapt if a certain tactic isn’t working. However, instead of lifeless eyes, a revenant's eyes burn with resolve and flare in the presence of its adversary. If the target is a creature against which the revenant has sworn vengeance, the target takes an extra 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage. If the revenant's original body was destroyed or is otherwise unavailable, the spirit of the revenant enters another humanoid corpse. However, instead of lifeless eyes, a revenant's eyes burn with resolve and flare in the presence of its adversary. They usually come about from people who died with perceived wrongs against them that went unpunished. As the DM, you need to work on the character's background with the player to make sure the goal is actually something attainable in the campaign. This won’t stop the revenant from pursuing and attacking its foe—thanks to Vengeful Tracker, it always knows its quarry’s exact distance and direction. It will fulfill its vengeful desires by any means necessary and if its adversary is too powerful for the revenant to destroy on its own, it seeks worthy allies to help it fulfill its quest. So you might think a seriously wounded revenant would break off fighting and retreat—that is, unless it was getting too close to its one-year deadline.But you can’t destroy a revenant. The revenant makes two fist attacks. Even if its foe is hiding, it knows where he or she is, but that’s not quite enough—to use its Vengeful Glare, the revenant has to be able to Next, the revenant uses its Multiattack, first to grapple its foe, then to pummel it. For the time it roams the land, revenants are usually solitary.

Now, you might argue, hey, you can’t get revenge if your enemy (or someone else) destroys you. Rejuvenation. And revenants have high Wisdom, high enough to understand the truth of this—and above-average Intelligence, high enough to understand the fact of it. However, as it is a spirit which does not belong, its body continually rots with accelerated rejection of the soul, making revenant forms temporary at best. Refer to the Suppose the revenant’s target isn’t a PC—suppose, for instance, that he or she is an NPC whom the PCs are charged with protecting? Here’s the kicker: In that scenario, the revenant will never attack any of the PCs! Fist. Driven by compulsion, the revenant is interested in only one target: the one who wronged it. This won’t stop the revenant from pursuing and attacking its foe—thanks to Vengeful Tracker, it always knows its quarry’s exact distance and direction. Well, it also has the issue of having a goal, and once the goal is met, the Revenant just dies. When the revenant's body is destroyed, its soul lingers.

In cases where the revenant seeks revenge against more than one adversary, it pursues them one at a time, starting with the creature that dealt it the killing blow. Multiattack. They’ll also have to share a plane of existence with the revenant, which can perceive its quarry on another plane of existence but can’t Just something worth noting, I believe it mentions in either the dmg or in curse of strahd as well that revenant will use weapons they used in life as well as spells, I feel atleast personally it’d be very rare they wouldn’t bother to steal a weapon or even armour to make themselves more capable of slaying their quarry.You know what would be good? They sometimes retain their gender, even if they may take over a body not corresponding to it. Instead, it seeks a material form to possess to carry out its perceived righteous vengeance.

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