Hiya I purchased a blue star fern from an outside stall about 3 weeks ago, some of the tips of the leaves are wilting and brown-grey ish in colour and there are a few yellow leaves on the underneath. The blue star fern (Phlebodium aureum) is epiphytic fern commonly known as ‘Golden Polypody’. Do you think it’s possible you may have been overwatering? I’ve had a few leaves that have turned a pastel yellow through the middle bleeding out to most the leaf.
I have it under cover on my porch and keep it moist. Conseils de culture : installez votre polypode doré dans une pièce lumineuse, sans contact direct avec le soleil.
Sorry to hear your blue star fern seems a little upset. Honestly, I don’t think there is much you can do besides wait and maybe transfer one offshoot to a vase of water to propagate it in case the rest of the plant dies. quite a few of them lost their blue when treated with a neem oil spray and so have splash marks where it shows the green underneath! Would it survive and grow? Haha.Hi! Yeah, you’re spot on. Fougère Blue Star Nom latin : Phlebodium Blue Star Dans votre colis : Le pot de 12 cm. Dans le Phlebodium sauvage de plus en plus aureum Bluestar dans la cime des arbres des forêts de nuages aux marais en Floride.
La fougère est la plante verte idéale pour tous les recoins d'une maison. Interesting, but more a science project than a festive display.Pruning is an essential part of Blue Star Fern Care. The ‘blue star’ variety with its rounded, paw-shaped foliage is only one of them. Le polypode doré ‘Blue Star’, ou Phlebodium aureum ‘Blue Star’, présente un port rampant. Pour faciliter votre inscription et bénéficier en ligne de vos avantages fidélité During wintertime, take care not to let things get too chilly. Phlebodium aureum Seems like it should be a slightly tougher plant. It’s not unusual for the rhizomes to climb over the container’s rim – that’s why they’re called creeping rhizomes, after all. Hi, I have a lovely Blue Star fern and I would like to make more, but I’m having trouble finding info on how to go about it. I assume you Googled what these guys look like? Phlebodium aureum Blue Star Fern Soil and transplant. Hi everyone, First time poster, so I will try my best here! Once it has absorbed some water you can usually slowly chip away at it and then repot into that orchid mix. If it’s the former for sure, the latter no way. Houseplants forum: Blue Star Fern (Phlebodium aureum) yellowing and browning.... Views: 1004, Replies: 13 » Jump to the end. […] blue star fern caresheet has long been the most popular on Houseplant Central. Genre: Phlebodium (synonyme Polypodium) Espèce: aureum Famille: Polypodiacées Origine: Amérique, Australie. Pour en savoir plus sur le traitement de vos données personnelles, consultez notre politique de Does anyone know how to divide a blue star? […] the article on types of easy ferns to start with. I recently added a Blue Star Fern to my in-home house collection. You can prepare the substrate yourself, adding to the universal soil or soil for ornamental deciduous plants a large number of drainage materials, pieces of bark or perlite (1/3 volume). Que recherchez-vous ? Your idea sounds very pretty at least, and if it doesn’t work out you can also replace the fern with some type of Bromeliad or Orchid.
50 cm Hi! The only other possibility might be that it’s not getting enough light, so you could review the plant’s location in your home. As Phlebodium aureum grows in (semi-)tropical forest areas, it likes plenty of moisture. Vous pouvez à tout moment modifier vos préférences grâce au lien I suspect pests but none of my other plants have been affected, I’m also thinking it might be the soil its planted in. Pour les professionnels.
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