N’oubliez pas que les horaires de visites sont de 6 h à 18 hComme pour de nombreuses autres visites, on vous conseille d’être sur place bien avant l’heure d’ouverture, pour profiter du fait que les cars de touristes ne soient pas encore sur place. La ville renaîtra de ses cendres durant le 18e siècle par Cirilo, l’un des premiers Travelers will appreciate the numerous opportunities for experiencing Petén. To get directly to the property it is necessary a 4WD Car, however if you travel with a 2WD car you can drive up to the parking lot and from here take a shuttle. Petén is believed to be the birthplace of Mayan civilization, as some of the oldest Mayan sites are found here. Le cœur du Peten est constitué de 36 % de la réserve de la biosphère Maya, obligeant alors l’interdiction des habitations, ... fait que les cars de touristes ne soient pas encore sur place. This town is the base to start a small hike through the jungle towards a wooden lookout treehouse “El Mirador de San Miguel” or “Mirador del Rey Canek”. The up-and-coming town of El Remate is beginning to contend with Flores as the lake’s most population destination. Spreading across 4.3 million acres in Guatemala’s Petén department, this reserve protects huge expanses of forests and the Mayan ruins that lie within them.Look at any map of Guatemala and one thing becomes immediately clear—Petén is big, forested, and without many roads. It’s also conveniently located along the road to Tikal, and thus can serve as a convenient place to stay before, after, or even during a visit to Tikal. Over 285 species of birds have been reported at Tikal alone.

El Mirador, set deep in the northern portion of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, is one of the largest and earliest Mayan sites in the world.

Ils échouèrent de nombreuses fois, les poussant alors à détruire la ville de Tayasal au début du 16e siècle et abandonnant le reste. It has cobblestone streets and pastel buildings, and is a fun place to spend a few leisurely days. Flores is different from any other town in Peten. Ainsi, vous pourrez profiter pleinement du chant de la jungle : cris des oiseaux, mais aussi des animaux comme les singes hurleurs.

Tandis que si vous vous dirigez plutôt vers le nord-ouest de Flores, vous arriverez après trois heures de route au parc national de Au centre de la Biosphère Maya, vous trouverez une célèbre cité perdue datant de -600. En effet, comme celle-ci est localisée à près d’une heure de route des célèbres ruines de Tikal, vous pouvez rejoindre le célèbre site archéologique de la civilisation maya précolombienne en Ces ruines ne sont pas aussi impressionnantes que celles de Tikal, mais restent tout de même très populaires grâce à sa localisation sur les rives du lac du même nom. The ruins, composed of huge temples and limestone pyramids, are utterly incredible.

Much of the forest here remains untouched and continues to harbor all kinds of plants and animals. The Maya Biosphere Reserve is one of the largest continuous tracts of tropical forest in Central America. It’s hoped that the environmental, cultural, and recreational potential of this area will outweigh the urge for short-term gain and natural degradation over the coming years. By Chadner Navarr o. The Peten jungles are teeming with approximately 300 species of birds, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, toucans, foxes, deer, pumas, wild turkeys, jaguars, and who could of course forget the reptiles. Its massive ruins are still being excavated and are sure to reveal a wealth of treasures in the future. We help make every single one count by tailoring experiences that are fun-filled, worry-free, and unforgettable. Map of Flores, Tikal, Yaxha, El Mirador, Getting around Guatemala. Over the past few decades, however, subsistence agriculture and cattle ranching have continued to threaten the forests of Petén. Expect more from your vacation. Otherwise you might need 2 days more to arrive in Flores… These one-way-tours are usually well organized.

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