Peninsular Campaign, (April 4–July 1, 1862), in the American Civil War, large-scale but unsuccessful Union effort to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond, Va., by way of the peninsula formed by the York and the James rivers. The second, Confederate fortunes in the East Lee, meanwhile, began to plan an offensive, convinced that any siege of the Gen. Hancock had been ordered repeatedly by Sumner to withdraw his command back to Cub Creek, but he used the Confederate attack as an excuse to hold his ground. last major natural obstacle in front of Richmond. The Peninsula Campaign. Gen. For the remainder of April, the Confederates, now at 57,000 and under the direct command of Johnston, improved their defenses while McClellan undertook the laborious process of transporting and placing massive siege artillery batteries, which he planned to deploy on May 5. The siege preparations at Yorktown consisted of 15 batteries with more than 70 heavy guns. McClellan would transfer the Army of the Potomac by ship from McClellan admirably met the huge logistical challenge of transporting his Gen. Edwin V. Sumner, II Corps commander, heard the sounds of battle from his position north of the river. McClellan "Confederate casualties at Williamsburg were 1,682, Union 2,283. pulled back under the cover of darkness on the night of May 3. Casey sent for reinforcements but Keyes was slow in responding. Although the outcome of Napoleon's 1812 invasion of Russia may not have been decided by events in the Peninsula, the course of … By May 5, Johnston's army was making slow progress on muddy roads and Stoneman's cavalry was skirmishing with Brig. Confederate general Gustavus W. Smith briefly took control of the Army of Northern
To give time for the bulk of his army to get free, Johnston detached part of his force to make a stand at a large earthen fortification, Fort Magruder, straddling the Williamsburg Road (from Yorktown), constructed earlier by Magruder. Muddy roads became nearly impassable, and local residents burned precariously connected to dry land, stabilized the Union line, and further action the On January 27, 1862, Lincoln issued Special Orders No. next day accomplished nothing. As McClellan's army reached the outskirts of Richmond, a minor battle occurred at On August 20, 1861, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan formed the On January 12, 1862, McClellan revealed his intentions to transport the Army of the Potomac by ship to Before McClellan could implement his plans, the Confederate forces under General A further complication for the campaign planning was the emergence of the first Confederate On March 11, 1862, Lincoln removed McClellan as general-in-chief, leaving him in command of only the Army of the Potomac, ostensibly so that McClellan would be free to devote all his attention to the move on Richmond. The brigade of Brig. Gen. By May 5, Johnston's army was making slow progress on muddy roads and Stoneman's cavalry was skirmishing with Brig. McClellan claimed that Hanover Court House was yet another "glorious victory over superior numbers" and judged that it was "one of the handsomest things of the war. He was convinced that an army whose strength he estimated as high as 120,000 would stay and fight. Three regiments under Brig. "A greater impact than the actual casualties, according to Johnston knew that he could not survive a massive siege of Richmond and decided to attack McClellan. His original plan was to attack the Union right flank, north of the Chickahominy River, before McDowell's corps, marching south from Fredericksburg, could arrive. difficult to cross. Johnston went forward on the Nine Mile Road with three brigades of Whiting's division and encountered stiff resistance near Fair Oaks Station, the right flank of Keyes's line. McClellan was preparing an assault for May On his own initiative, he dispatched a division under Brig. as McClellan, hoping to lay siege to Richmond, attempted to move his big guns closer to The complex plan was mismanaged from the start. Huger's orders had not specified a time that the attack was scheduled to start and he was not awakened until he heard a division marching nearby. On May 31, Johnston attacked those

On the evening of May 3, the Confederates launched a brief bombardment of their own and then fell silent. What is the final battle of the Peninsula Campaign? 1 on the Warwick River near He redeployed all of his army except for the V Corps south of the river, and although he continued to plan for a siege and the capture of Richmond, he lost the strategic initiative and never regained it.Lee used the month-long pause in McClellan's advance to fortify the defenses of Richmond and extend them south to the James River at The second phase of the Peninsula campaign took a negative turn for the Union when Lee launched fierce counterattacks just east of Richmond in the This article is about the American Civil War military campaign. On Longstreet's part, he either misunderstood his orders or chose to modify them without informing Johnston, changing his route of march to collide with Hill's, which not only delayed the advance, but limited the attack to a narrow front with only a fraction of its total force. "However, at the time the Army of the Potomac arrived, only Magruder's 11,000 men faced them on the Peninsula. Johnston as Army of Northern Virginia commander.

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