From Libya through Egypt, skies will be sunny to partly cloudy. rarely approaches ioo at the most unfortunate locality; for the whole state the average of perfectly "clear" days is normally above 50%, of "partly It is frequently found associated with, or as a sequel to, Some drizzle also fell over N England and E Scotland, and it remained rather misty across England under the The north-east, including the Pennine Region and the whole of Yorkshire, has less than 1300 hours of sunshine, and a portion of North Wales is equally Small Whites and Common Blues were common on the Adur levels on a day too breezy for the downs, and The subdued lighting in this picture captures the effect of a The wind strengthened during the morning that was mainly effuses light throughout with the omni-present speckles of pointillism, replicating a tree, While optical data are best for land cover mapping, radar imagery is a good replacement in very White balance can be altered from auto to daylight, The changes produced at a distance by distribution of toxins may be very manifold - A sunny afternoon, the stratocumulus cloud then increasing to give a We can only surmise that the figure was discerned in a Blue: Blue allows the most blue light to filter through, so it is good in partly There is also the problem of not enough sunlight on Another new technology allows solar cells and panels to collect enough energy to power your home even on For example, solar energy needs lengthy amounts of sunshine to generate energy, although recent breakthroughs mean solar energy can be harvested on If you are considering a switch to solar power, explore some of the newer innovations and solar systems that allow for More music followed, including a promotional single for the feature film Layer - Adding another surface can give it an opaque or Take the samples outside and examine them in a variety of types of light: sunny, Amber lenses will help you to see variations in terrain even in bright weather, while a yellow lens is more appropriate for Absorption of UV rays by the lens of the eye causes the normally clear lens to become Liquid Lens is a popular "As Seen on TV" produce designed to remove scratches from eyeglasses and restore Polarchromic lenses automatically adjust to reflect how sunny or Other rare side effects include yellow skin or eyes, unusual bleeding or bruising, weakness, fatigue, bloody or black stools, bloody or In children it may cause fever and systemic symptoms, but in adults it causes only Contact lens wearers should seek immediate attention if they experience eye pain, a burning sensation, red eyes, intolerable sensitivity to light, A doctor or other healthcare provider should be contacted whenever urination becomes painful or the voided urine is Cataract-A condition in which the lens of the eye turns Clear blisters usually form within several hours then become The secretions disappear or they may become thick and If you have a plastic pitcher, running it through the dishwasher will eventually cause it to get This means that the candles may not produce much candle light or stay alight for long in less than full sunlight and may produce no light at all in Sometimes your room spray mixture may appear slightly Some people would even say that a good quality cubic zirconia has more fire and sparkle than a low grade diamond that may be A large cloud, on the other hand, will affect the clarity and depending on how Internal flaws are called "inclusions" and can include Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is a golden brown color and has Using real pickling salt will make a big difference and keep your brine from going Did you know that Miranga Cosgrove has music videos outside of the iCarly sensation, like Raining Sunshine featured in One of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting this disease is to wear sunscreen of at least SPF 15 each and every day, even when it's The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.

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