Noosa has a new planning blueprint for the future with Council formally adopting the New Noosa Plan 2020.“This is a significant milestone for our community and one that has certainly generated plenty of interest,” Mayor Clare Stewart said.The New Noosa Plan 2020 has been a complete re-write of the 2006 Planning Scheme under new legislation. This independent project is run by a local charity, the OpenAustralia Foundation.PlanningAlerts is powered by small, tax-deductible donations from the people who use it to stay informed about changes to their local area. Since then Council officers have been refining the content of the draft scheme in response to State considerations. SPIE, the International…/Public Release. Application Tracking. View the maps for the New Noosa Plan. Building. We don't put up a paywall – we believe in free access to information of public interest. View in full Well, unlike many news organisations, we have no sponsors, no corporate or ideological interests.
© 2020 Star News Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. All trademarks and rights are owned by their respective owners. Noosa Plan’s rules on short-term accommodation have attracted particular interest from the Minister with an array of requirements demanded in relation to them.Changes of the plan were required to proposed medium, high density residential and tourist accommodation zones to ensure consistency with the Planning Act and the Planning Regulation.Within three months of adoption of the plan Council are required to publish a comprehensive guide explaining the regulatory requirements for operating short-term accommodation in the shire. Other amendments the Minister required of the plan included the integration of the State interest: Natural hazards, risk and resilience (Erosion prone areas) mapping, which will provide assessment benchmarks for development in the erosion prone areas.Council had to amend the Bushfire Hazard overlay map to reflect the bushfire prone area identified on the State Planning Policy Interactive Mapping System. On 18 February 2020 Council received advice from the Minister that Council could proceed to adopt the planning scheme subject to a number of amendments. WIN FOR COMMUNITY The Planning and Environment Court has backed Council’s decision to knock back a six-lot subdivision for land at Castaways Beach on … Note: Currently not all documents are viewable online. Noosa Council has tools, forms and guidelines to help you with: Planning. The teenage girls arrived from a... Since 2016 Noosa Council worked towards the adoption of the planning scheme with the final version a result of extensive community input, review and input from various State agencies and extensive consideration by Council. Development and; Construction; You can use our planning online tool to track your application, do a property enquiry or search, using the interactive maps. Changes were made to meet social housing performance outcomes and to reflect new koala conservation planning controlsWithin 12 months of adoption of the plan Council is required to commence a review the provisions of the Noosa Business Centre to provide more detailed planning guidance and outcomes to reflect its role as a Major Centre for Noosa. For two years Council is to monitor the outcomes relating to short-term accommodation, tourism and housing supply across the residential zones. Zone Map. For assistance navigating the maps click on the “how to videos” tab above for tutorials. If adopted by Council the planning scheme will commence on 31 July. The Noosa Planning Scheme . Zone Map- View the land use zones of The Noosa Plan – zones control the use of land so as to appropriately locate different land uses. Find PlanningAlerts useful? The monitoring needs to include comparison data to demonstrate the relevance of the scheme, the economic and social benefits across the residential zones, housing supply, diversity and tourism.The monitoring must be “evidence-driven, comprehensive, and prepared in a detailed manner” and a report on it prepared and sent to the Minister within six months of completion. On 12 December 2019 Council sought Ministerial endorsement of the new planning scheme. The plan first commenced in February 2006 and the current version is dated 28th October 2016.
The Noosa Plan is the planning scheme for Noosa Shire and sets down the planning framework to guide its future. On 12 December 2019 Council sought Ministerial endorsement of the new planning scheme.
Since 2016 Noosa Council worked towards the adoption of the planning scheme with the final version a result of extensive community input, review and input from various State agencies and extensive consideration by Council.
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