| It's just so visually stunning and beautiful and different that I think that if you're an animation fan it's definitely one that you should have seen. In a not entirely un-Tim Burton way, 9 straddles the line between children's movie and horror. By creating an account, you agree to the As they'll soon come to learn, the very future of civilization may depend on them. | Rating: 3/5
If you're gonna be so downbeat, yah gotta be good. | Don’t worry, it won’t take long. 2:30 The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. | We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Theater box office or somewhere else Please click the link below to receive your verification email. It looks great, but sadly the screenplay - in particular the stultifying dialogue - simply can't match the visual inventiveness. | Well, needless to say, this film certainly wasn't among that massive haul of upstanding films in 2009, yet it still has its moments.
The new version stays so true to the original you could describe it as a feature-length short-which is not the most staggering accomplishment.
Sure, the substance isn't terribly enthralling, due to such unfortunate emotional distance, yet, if nothing else, the story charms in its very nostalgiac feel for the lively, yet sometimes rocky world of the Italian entertainment industry, circa 1960s.
Sure, as I said, some numbers fall flat, with few numbers coming close to the quality of most productions from "Chicago", but when the tunes do pick up, it's hard for you to not lift up too, in awe at the sweeping, lively musicality, complimented by dazzling production to make the numbers as much a feast for the eyes as a feast for the ears. It allegedly lasts 79 minutes. Changes to This is the makings of a great landmark film, however where it falls is the subject matter and the execution of it.
Still, the real owner of the show is the always winning Daniel Day-Lewis, who is certainly not even coming close to delivering a truly impressive performance, or at least not until the latter acts, yet still really nails the charisma, sleaze, cleverness, anguish and, of course, the accent of your usual case of the classic Italian artist whose just not hitting as hard as he used to, and while the film doesn't always deliver on engagement value, if no one sustains your attention, then it's our charismatic lead. Though not a humorous film, the dolls are cute, the premise is kindhearted and the adventure is youthful.
| A film with fiery passion, an amazing cast of top-talent actresses and the always impressive Daniel Day-Lewis, led by the creative director of "Chicago", Rob Marshall. Starring Elijah Wood, Jennifer Connelly, John C. Reilly, and Christopher Plummer, the voice cast is quite impressive. One of these creations, 9, emerges to display leadership qualities that may help them survive and possibly even thrive. July 28, 2011 TV Premiere Dates 2020 The reason I'm not giving Nine a 9/10 is because besides the good singing and sexiness, there isn't much it has going for it. I'm not saying that they should spread this puppy into a sweeping, powerful epic about a filmmaker procrastinating while he deals with writer's block, but come on Rob Marshall, loosen it up a little bit. This film will surely be remembered as an intriguing failure: a triumph of ambition over ability, of ideas over emotional resonance - just another grim fairy tale for these troubled times. Just nine films have received a perfect score from critics on US movie website Rotten Tomatoes this year.
Once-celebrated film director Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis) struggles with his unwritten script for his comeback film.
A fall-flat number can be among the lowest notes in the film, while a really winning one can be among the highest, yet what really grips you the most, or at least as much as it can, is the story. PG-13 (for sexual content and smoking)
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