For Example, "A killer whale gives out golden tickets to see who gets his candy company" and the answer is  I liked it a lot. This is a really fun game to play with friends. It doesn’t matter – everyone drinks every time.First, some guidelines (Web Watch could call them “rules”, but that’s a bit too strict for this type of game — feel free to abide by these at your leisure):Web Gangsta - Web Watch takes on pop culture, the web, and other interesting things ...since 1994.Why your 2-year-old is cussing you out, and the 10 most frequently used curse wordsThe Top Ten Most Popular Halloween Costumes for 2010 are… Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Whoever gets it right wins that round and does not have to drink while everyone else (except the quiz master) has to drink. How it works is you take 2 movie titles that share a word, combine them and then describe that movie.
Alive at the End? by Nikkinicki Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . If no one gets it right, then the quiz master has to drink. I will use an example that they used on the show. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Describe this plot and see if the other players can guess the film. Let’s let Ian Gomez explain it to us: See how easy it is? Television Quiz / Movie Mash-Up Game from Cougar Town Random Television Quiz Can you name the Movie Mash-Ups?? All you have to do is take two movie titles that share a common word, and combine the titles together. Popular Quizzes Today. Popular Quizzes Today. If you think of any more, feel free to add them to your own game or match wits over the possession of a priceless diamond -

For Example, "A killer whale gives out golden tickets to see who gets his candy company" and the answer is "Free Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". In one episode, the Banter crew mentioned a game that had appeared in the sitcom "Cougar Town": take two unrelated movies which share one or more words in their titles, and mash together the plot. Great job on this content. There will be a quiz master who will read the movie mash up descriptions and everyone will try and guess the title. Movie Mashup.

My sister was watching Cougar Town the other night and they were playing a game called Movie Mash Up. Cougar Town Movie Mash Up How it works is you take 2 movie titles that share a word, combine them and then describe that movie. See how easy it is? you want escape from problem Meet him and Get solutions for your problems by the best astrologer in India Pandith KrishnaSwamyWow, this is fascinating reading.

(ie “The Blue Lagoon” and “Goonies”)  Now that you have the answer, you present the people that you’re playing against with the combined plot of the newly titled film, and challenge them to provide the answer to you.What does the winner get? So, here are a few I have made up. by Nikkinicki Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Cougar Town On the season 2 opener of ABC’s Cougar Town, the cast sat around drinking wine (as they are apt to do on this show) while they played their new MOVIE TITLE MASHUP DRINKING GAME. From this synopsis, you have to come up with the two names of the films that are "mashed together".

Movie Mash-Up Game from Cougar Town Quiz Stats. This is an extremely fun game to play and will really break the mould of the usual boring drinking games. Dan and Ruth spend the greatest part of an evening playing Game: Movie Mashup Origin: "Cougar Town", episode 201, written by Bill Lawrence & Kevin Biegel. Photo credit: Thanks for the great and unique info. Basically, you have to give a combined synopsis of two films. Dan and Ruth spend the greatest part of an evening playing "Movie Title Mash-Up", the second-silliest social game to come out of TV show Cougar Town. I found a couple of these online and then started to add my own to make it more fun. I am glad I found this and got to read it.
If you have any type astrological problem. On "Cougar Town" they call it a drinking game ("cause we drink while we play"), but it doesn't have to be.

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