Norah as a widow, did not fill out these columns. During the 1940's sea trade took a different turn as the turf haulage started to be done by lorry so this meant that all the fine turf boats were left idle and faded away. It describes in detail the family’s status regarding dwelling house, families, persons and religious profession.Michael owned the land that he and his family lived on. Local people also dredged for Galway Bay Oysters from the nearby Oyster Beds. In the 1800's it did a flourishing trade when the Weir was a prosperous little port. Norah’s sister, Bridget(75), was still living and was ‘House Keeper’.Since 1901 Patrick married, but was regrettable now a widower. Find out more family origins in Ireland101 Moran is so heavily anglicized – from the French “Morrin” to the Irish “Moran” – that exact knowledge of each Moran’s lineage may be hard to trace. In addition Norah’s sister is living with them, Bridget(61). Three of the nine houses in The Weir acquired liquor licenses and a flourishing trade was done for years.Al Byrne, a Guinness Rep and a brother of Gay Byrne (RTE), thought it would be a good idea to have his Guinness party at Moran's during the Oyster Festival of 1966. She not recorded as being able to talk at this stage. She was born in County Galway and also Roman Catholic, not yet a scholar she was unable to read or write. Morain was a personal name which came from the Gaelic word ‘Mor’ which meant ‘big’ or ‘great’.Irish clans used to take the surname of their leader or chief, who would have been likely to have been a warrior. In Form B2 we can tell that there are now only out-houses on the farm. With the addition of Guinness, the party began.Twenty people enjoyed the event on a glorious September evening. It is unclear if he was the same individual who held the same section of land over twenty years earlier or if he was a close family … Woulfe ('Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall', 1923) gives the root as 'slave-seal', but this is conjectural. Norah(60) his wife is record as having no occupation, but domestic duties in the home were not to be record as such on the census. Oysters were supplied from our own Oyster Beds and lashings of brown bread was baked by Kitty Moran. Norah(73), his wife, was head of the family and stated as a farmer, she now owned the land she and her family lived on. Moran family is from Lancashire in England, Lanarkshire in Scotland, Galway, Mayo, Galway and Roscommon in Ireland. The ‘O’ prefix to the name means ‘grandson of’ or descendent of’. from 'Beside the fire': a collection of Irish Gaelic folk stories It is listed as now only 2 rooms occupied by the family.

Delia is stated as a farmer’s daughter and Patrick as a farmer’s son are both able to read, write and speak Irish and English.

The first barrel of draught Guinness was brought to The Weir. The name originated from the O’Morain clan from the Connacht province of Ireland. It was not taken in 1921 as Ireland was in the midst the ‘War of Independence’ against Britain. This was passed down through seven generations to the present day. Their territory spread from Elphi… Also at the house the night of the night of the census was Norah’s granddaughter Mary O’Brien aged 4. The story begins here…Daniel Moran who came to the village in the 1760's held one of these licenses. It is renowned the world over for it's superb seafood and Galway oysters and is open all year round.Moran's is a Family Business dating back more than 250 years. Enumerator’s abstract (Form N) The Moran family are the only family living in the house, there was one males and three females and all are of the Roman Catholic faith.

Ó Murcháin- anglicised Morahan, Morrin and generally as Moran, which makes it difficult to distinguish from the above names. Michael and Norah have two children Delia(30) and Patrick(28). In 1641 the only landed proprietor of the name Moran in County Galway was Davey Muran holding two thirds of the quarter of ‘Knockanbrae’ (recte: Knockaunbrack) in Dunmore parish. Delia most likely helped in the house and farm and Patrick helped on the farm.Bridget, Norah’s sister, was stated as having no occupation. Today, thanks to the tremendous upsurge of interest in Seafood, Moran's is a must for anybody with an interest in sampling the crustaceous delights of Galway Bay.

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