The study which was done on the water extract of the mimosa pudica dried root (made by boiling the dried root in water) proved that it is very good at inhibiting the activity of the snake venom. The more I came to know about it’s wonderful benefits and uses, my fascination and respect for this plant has only grown over the years.Mimosa Pudica belongs to the genus Mimosa and family Fabaceae. In India, it is used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani forms of medicine for treating various diseases.I used to be fascinated with touch me not plant when I was younger and more so now after knowing about it’s wonderful uses. However, the leaves re-open after a few minutes.The touch-me-not plant or Mismosa Pudica is an extremely mystifying herb not only because of its rapid plant movement when stimulated but also because it is loaded with so many medicinal properties and nutrients. Relieves Tooth Pain. Mimosa Pudica helps fight hair loss by promoting new hair cells. Mimosa Pudica commonly called Touch Me Not plant all over the world, Chui Mui plant in India and Makahiya plant in Philippines is an amazing herb with wonderful medicinal uses and health benefits. When I was a kid, I used to love touching the leaves and watch it close and I used to keep on looking for it open again. Loaded with medicinal properties and has a pharmacological profile to itself, the touch-me-not plant possesses antibacterial, antifertility, antivenom, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, aphrodisiac, etc, and is used in the treatment of many medical disorders, since ages.Why does touch-me-not plant close down on touching?Mimosa Pudica or the touch-me-not plant shrink or close down when touched, in order to protect itself from external stimuli. This remedy has been proven scientifically now! This plant can be found commonly in waste lands, cultivated lands and even along road sides in cities. It is also used for treating piles, dysentery and intestinal worms. If you are consuming leaf decoction, the general suggested dosage is 50 to 75 ml. The root is also used for treating menstrual problems and also toothache. Hence, gargling with a decoction of the root of Mimosa pudica diluted in water may help treat toothaches.
A study on mice proved all these traditional uses to be true, you can read the study Mimosa Pudica is very good for treating bleeding piles and has been used as a remedy for it for many many years. But this remedy has to be done under the observation of an experienced healer or herbalist.Traditionally, touch me not plant has been used for treating depression in certain countries. According to Dr. Jay Davidson, this powerful herb “actively paralyzes parasites and forces them to fall away from their position on intestine walls. Mimosa pudica, commonly known as the “touch me not” plant is often seen as a shy and sleepy herb. Touch me not plant completely prevented mumps and this due to it’s wonderful anti viral property. The sensitive Mimosa (Mimosa pudica in botany) is one of those plants that both children like and amazes the elderly for their “magical” characteristics. Arrests Bleeding. Once the color of the water changes, switch off and strain. After taking Mimosa Pudica for a few days the aches all disappeared! The results were very effective and significant. But I would kindly suggest consulting an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage if you are planning on taking it to reduce blood sugar levels.Another important medicinal use is protection of liver against toxins . Pregnant women should not consume mimosa pudica.
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