Any variety of ignorance or stupidity can be described by these codes.Have you ever tried searching for “any key” on your keyboard when you were asked to “press any key”?You might hear “Blue Juice” in a coded announcements on your flight or on a ferry trip.
The way aviators use it is “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.” In place of Mayday, some aviators also use the code “declaring emergency” which is obviously an emergency call.But if you hear your pilot say “7500,” it means that your plane has been hijacked or is threatened with a possible hijacking. And some of the terms originated prior to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Do not invent your own words – they might be misleading and not comprehensive. The code “10-15” indicates a civil disturbance. For more newsletters, check out our More Than 8,500 Airmen Have Volunteered to Join Space ForceMore Sailors Are Reenlisting. Transmit (transmitting) each phrase (or each code group) twice.
If you have always wondered about what happens if someone dies on a plane, here is the answer. Learn popular slang words and expressions based on the military alphabet. Unfortunately, the child was never found. The airline, after all the necessary check-ups and after a death confirmation from a doctor, zips up the body in a body bag and places it in the morgue.The announcements about “Sick Passenger” at subways are common. “Pan-Pan” signal is also an assurance that the help is needed, but there is no injury caused to anyone and that there is no threat to anyone’s life or to the aircraft or vessel.
These words represent the letters "A," "B," and "C" in the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, more commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet.
Almost all the professions have their own terminology, but the emergency secret codes are far beyond this approach. These codes are subject to change, and the Department of Defense will no longer allow the military services to release the meanings of these codes … The U.S. military uses many unique items and concepts that civilians aren't exposed to. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. ""Civvies" is a nickname for civilian (nonmilitary service members) outfits or clothing. These words represent the letters "A," "B," and "C" in the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, more commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet.
This is another one that may come in handy to civilians with a propensity for setting their alarm at the wrong time or showing up to appointments at 7 p.m. instead of 7 a.m. But store employees can expect their managers asking, “Hey! There are combined-arms and special military codes (for one combat arm or one service of the armed forces, such as an aviation or navy code).
Isn’t it?
David Gilkey/NPR Perhaps you are already using some of this lingo and don't even realize the military origins.Read on to make your communication more efficient or in many cases, just more fun.One of the more familiar military terms is "AWOL," an acronym for "absent without leave." Someone who takes on this status is gone without permission, typically in the context of abandoning your post.An azimuth is an angular measurement in a spherical coordination system.
The secret emergency code “Doctor Brown” is often used to alert security staff about a threat to someone.If a patient or a non-staff member is violent, the doctors, nurses and attendants can release an alert by using the emergency code “Doctor Brown.” The security staff and other personnel will rush to help. Employees use many sThePremium offers ad free access to all TheClever content and so much more!Secret emergency codes are a part of many professions and are used for various purposes.
Hajji: A derogatory term for Iraqis, used widely during the Iraq War. "Coup de grace" translates in French to "stroke of grace" or "blow of mercy." The codes are kept secret for obvious reasons, as the police doesn’t want any interruption from civilians.If you hear a policeman saying “10-10,” it means that a fight is in progress.
Just like “Mayday,” it is spoken three times. The call is given three times in a row to avoid any misunderstanding caused due to similar sounding words or phrases.
Read the glossary. But if you are a staff member, you are expected to locate the bomb rather than vacate the place.That’s scary! The U.S. military uses many unique acronyms, terms and jargon.
First used by the Germans in 1905, this code isn’t actually an acronym.
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