Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Learn how to say wine words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! Improving your pronunciation. Hear hot to pronounce the Top 10 Biggest cities in France: Learn how to pronounce more cities and famous French places: Learn how to pronounce Colmar in French like the French would say in Paris and around France. You said Morrowwne not Morrone dude There are videos where he is introducing himself listen and learn...Julien Miquel Thanks for the insight on Italian, French, Spanish and English. Cheers@Lena Se Aqui no Brasil MichelE é feminino. Julien For God's sake you could have ask to an italian the correct pronunciation. No hard feelings but I do not teach pronunciation in a foregn language I ignore. And MichelA never sawMichele is masculine Michela is femminine here in Italy, also Michele isn t spelled as Michelle the feminine name.It’s crazy to think how calling a man daddy was seen as a women having daddy issues @Michelle Neysmith ain't beautiful an understatement when it comes to himI'm glad to know how to pronounce #MICHELEMORRONE's name...thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️Strange why the spellings has to be different from the sound.This video here the pronunciation is right flash-player.net/video/SUW2mHDm-W8/video.html@Julien Miquel Given you alredy know how to pronounce the letters in italian and the way you said Morrone putting emphasize on the second o made crawl my italian skin. Having been raised under the mantra "follow your dreams" and being told they were special, they tend to be confident and tolerant of difference. Millennials is a generation who grew up with computers, internet and social networks. Please please cancel it learn how to spell Morrone and THEN post it again. Hear hot to pronounce the Top 10 Biggest cities in France:Learn how to pronounce more cities and famous French places:Learn how to pronounce Colmar in French like the French would say in Paris and around France.Hear the CLASSY pronunciation of all the Top French Luxury brands:Listen and learn how to say Colmar correctly with French winemaker Julien, “how do you pronounce” free pronunciation audio/video tutorials.Learn how to say wine words in English, French, Spanish, German Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! But French is very different, and words don't spell like they sound most of the time (somewhat like English but worse) so you simply need to learn and know the spelling of every word by heart. In the world of wine words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce.Julien’s instructional and educational videos make pronunciation easier as I detail the correct pronunciation as native French speaker but also fluent speaker of French, English, Spanish and Italian.French winemaker Julien explains the intricacies of French wine pronunciation, detailing how to pronounce the name of famous French city in the Alsace wine region: Colmar. Feel free to post you vid here in the comments when it's out. Here in North India’s all Indo European languages, the sound always matches the written letters. It's the closest language to Italian in terms of vocab. I also feel the same about French. But there are few words which are actually difficult to pronounce even for the ones who have good command over the language. Pronunciation of Amenduni Michele with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 translation and more for Amenduni Michele. Thanks from Italy.All right Lena. Pronunciation. 1.2K likes.
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