I do agree that some of these players would likely be an improvement over nitr0. old, washed up, plenty of time and new players and STILL cannot even create a top 15 team at best.Back in the day, steel would shit on teams for having their rifles get super aggressive while having two AWPs.Lucky round by fer dont change anything. Force Somehow they'll manage to get eliminatedjonji 30 bomb in 1 map against liquid Regardless of where Furia is today, adding the fer would make the team even better.I was wrong to say the word "correction" in relation to Furia. Had a ton of vc money, yet failed to develop any team. Chaos are so bad ... Only smoya is a good playerIm pretty sure its 50/50 TACO alone would get a 1.60+ rating in NA MDL, trust.Stew plays alright if you consider his role and look at his impact. clear 2-0 mibr, and 26.5 under every mapPlease God I come through this prayer to make a request, please remove this bad phase from the Brazilian counter strike global offensive team (CSGO) known as Made in Brasil (MIBR) and play this bad phase on the CSGO team known as Astralis amenBrazilian CS?
it must have been cut in more than a half 2 years agoChaos: We have been struggling and losing to tier 8 NA MDL teams on Nuke. Round started fer killed steel with glock (headshot) There's no fragging power on this team anymore. Else it should be 2-0 MIBR.meyern 0.97 rating xaxaxaxaxa Chaos on LAN: Chaos picked Nuke.This is a damning indictment on MIBR cause Chaos's nuke is shit7-4 to 7-8 on Cr-side of nuke cuz they push lobby in 3v2 for no reason Smooya :D I like that trashtalks, this make more fun to watch instead of quiet playing :DI've got hte fillling that MIBR still going to take that to the 3rd map. For example, karrigan was hot trash on the tail end of 2016 Astralis, and 2018-2019 FaZe. Xeppaa killed kNgV- with glock They need to go international I think, they only have that choice at this point. -kNgV They legit wouldn't. It would be more for an upgrade.Mibr does not usually lose against teams far from the top 20. and small 2-0 for some high odds vanity killed kNgV- with usp_silencer (headshot) Round started
They practically replaced everyone possible. The new comers are like outsiders. -trk GG5v2 to lose this fkn map and whole bo3,fuck this shityou see g2,Chaos are retarded and m16r are lucky afthis is so fixed, you wanna tell me that you go 3 guys out door in a 5v2/4v2?Round over - Winner: T (14 - 14) - Target bombed lulzkeep in mind mibr have same salaries like navi, astralis, fazedo they? streamers + trans >>>> mibrExpected from an immortals org. Fucking IBP steel is back cam killed TACO with usp_silencer SicK killed meyern with usp_silencer (headshot) That was just brilliant. 100% clowfiestaIf MIBR doesnt bench whole roster after this then they are insane and they will be VP 2.0 with a delusional CEO. they win mirage lose d2 and win inferno treinamos bastante mas não ganhamos da Chaos, mas fica de boa que proximo game vamo dar a vida"I think they will, -ben1337 +SicK is a huge upgrade smooya wont have to hard carry this team anymoreBruh if they win this.... Mibr seriously has gotta think of getting a new playerThey need to, this roster is doing nothing sadly.. probably even 2 new peopleThey're gonna be fined $100k a week in a couple weeks hereEh, idk about that.. He also have a second little know tactic of "Going A then throw 1vs4". SicK + steel (assist) killed fer with usp_silencer coldzera would never come back because he's living the dream in FaZe.felps and fer couldnt perform with taco, mibr nvr tried felps fer fallen cold kng without taco. i love this He is best known for his signature tactic of "Going B then lose vs eco". So annoying they release maps just 1 min before game starts.mibr is not losing to NA trash aka vanity, jonji, ectRound over - Winner: T (1 - 0) - Enemy eliminated kNgV- killed cam with glock (headshot) The corona situation will be over soon, Smooya would have his visa renewed and Chaos would actually be good.corona situation will be over soon in most regions except for likes of west coast usa and english part of the uk, unfortunately chaos and smooya are located right therewhy they buy gun instead of fucking only usp?
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