Humans assess risks in two key ways: by reference to their own experience and by looking at what others like them are doing. The more people we can put into space, the more likely it becomes that we will be able to keep everyone safe at home.Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly!Last month, President Trump delivered an address to more than 200 government and private sector leaders gathered at the White House to recogni…As Nebraska's U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse continues his hate-him then love-him relationship with the president, I offer these three words of advice: M…In communities across our country, someone is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds.
This works extremely well most of the time, which is how humankind has managed to stay alive for so long. And, unfortunately, the heaviest cost for his failures will be paid not by Trump, but in American lives.The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning.The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning.The Washington Post is providing some coronavirus coverage free, including: In separate, yet, u…On March 7, 1965, on Selma, Alabama’s, Edmund Pettus Bridge, Alabama state troopers gassed and beat hundreds of nonviolent protesters who were…Campaigning to become leader of Britain's parliamentary Conservative Party, and hence prime minister, Boris Johnson, the populist from Eton an…Teachers are amazing people. ... Read more from Megan McArdle’s archive, follow her on Twitter or … But many of us believe that humanity should spend its money on space flight and environmental causes, and for the same reason. Read more from Megan McArdle’s archive, follow her on Twitter or subscribe to her updates on Facebook. {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}} Most of the planet's known species weren't adapted for this harsh new environment, and in the aftermath of the great meteor, approximately three-quarters vanished.Most educated people are aware that a meteor killed the dinosaurs, but prefer not to meditate on its corollary: If another meteor like that hits, humanity might well be among the species that go extinct. She wrote for the Daily Beast, Newsweek, the Atlantic and the Economist and founded the blog Asymmetrical Information. then {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}} per month Sunday's return, by contrast, mostly enthralled space geeks who've been planning to colonize Mars since they were old enough to read their first science fiction.America is rather busy with other things, of course, such as a pandemic.
... Read more from Megan McArdle’s archive, follow her on Twitter or subscribe to her updates on Facebook. Something amazing happened on Sunday, and almost no one seemed to care. Washington Post Megan McArdle: Space travel still matters Bio. Read more: Read a letter in response to this piece: ‘Dream hoarding’ is … It's a necessary -- though, yes, costly -- insurance policy against planetary catastrophe.When space enthusiasts say this (and full disclosure, I was one of those 8-year-olds who fully expected to be colonizing another planet by now), our skeptics often hear an excuse for gross abdication of our ecological obligations -- use up this planet, then skip happily onward to the next one. Graphs Not all of that can be laid at Trump’s feet. Columnist. Read more from Megan McArdle’s archive, follow her on Twitter or subscribe to her updates on Facebook.
AD. Megan McArdle: Where we stand, what we see MEGAN McARDLE Washington Post Aug 1, 2020 Aug 1, 2020; Return to homepage × ... Last weekend, a short clip circulated on Twitter… Note the past tense.The quality of our leadership might not matter much in the initial “headless chicken” phase of a crisis when no one knows what they are doing, and many of the efforts will turn out to be useless or counterproductive. But, over time, luck matters less and management matters more.
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