ONLY the marrying couple will be allowed in the building. No, unfortunately you can't get married by proxy in King County or anywhere else in Washington. A marriage license purchased from any county in Washington State can be used to get married anywhere in the state. Marriage licenses are issued by. There is no extra waiting period once your marriage license is issued. (The links below include information about where to find each type of record.) If you do not include a return address, we will use the one on the application.Packets will be returned by Priority Mail or FedEx once your application has been processed.Ceremonies can be conducted by video, but we must receive the actual physical certificate, properly executed, for your marriage to be valid.If you have questions, please contact us at or 206-477-6620.When we issue a marriage license, Washington state law requires a three-day waiting period before you can use it. 500 Fourth St Seattle, WA 98104 . Marriage license applicants do not have to reside in Washington State or King County. We are running a few days behind processing marriage applications and a week behind processing marriage certificates. If one or both partners to the marriage aren't able to attend the ceremony, another person (known as the proxy) can take your place. Select the "2. You can go and get married in King County, or anywhere else within the state. A common law marriage is an informal marriage that doesn't hold the same legal authenticity of a standard marriage. Marriage License Application STATE OF WASHINGTON , King County Affidavit The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes as follows: That I am eighteen (18) years of age or older or if not, have parental, guardian, or court waiver as documented on the attached supplemental application; that if I am afflicted

You can get your marriage license in King County or any other county throughout the state. Don't wait til the last minute! Payment methods: It's based on an accepted understanding between the partners that you're basically cohabitating. As a result, there are isolated cases of couples waiting as long as 17 years to marry after license issuance. This cuts down on data entry errors.Your application should reflect your current full, legal names, not the name(s) you intend to take after marriage.Please include at least one phone number where you can be reached during the day.Enclose a check or money order for $69 payable to King County. The legal age for marriage has also changed over time. There is a slight 3 day waiting period following the submission of your application before you can get your license. You have 60 days to use it once it's been issued. In 1866, the Legislative Assembly of the Washington Territory passed the Act to Regulate Marriages, citing the need for marriage license recordkeeping. Certified copies are $3 each. Marriage licenses issued in Kings County are valid for marriage ceremonies performed anywhere in the State of California, and are valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. The King County Archives does retain a very small number of early marriage licenses in its collections (Marriage Licenses).Originally, there was no limitation on how long a couple could wait to marry after receiving a marriage license. These include King County marriage licenses, certificates, registries, and vital record indexes. ** Marriage licenses are issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, located at 9483 Kings Highway Suite Number 3. Phone and email options for county auditors can be found on the Washington Association of County Officials website. Your expired marriage license is no longer valid. Locations that distribute marriage licenses are typically located in the A major cultural shift took place in Washington State with the establishment of state-registered domestic partnerships in 2007 and the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2012.The following is a list of the official steps (and corresponding records) that have been involved in the marriage process in King County over time. King County Marriage License 500 4th Avenue Seattle WA 98104 206-477-6620 Auburn City Hall 25 West Main Street Auburn WA 98001 253-931-3043 Auburn Health Department 126 Auburn Avenue Auburn WA 98002 206-296-6855 Have the ceremony" tab to review the next step.Ministers from any state may perform marriage ceremonies, but the ceremony must be performed in the State of Washington. Marriage licenses issued from King County can be used throughout the state of Washington. If your record shows a "Marriage Certificate" Doc Type, then you can If you were married in 1990 or earlier, you can request copies from Washington Sate Digital Archives.All marriage license documents are signed with one's current legal name, never the intended new name.There is no legal requirement for a name change after getting married; it is a right a couple may choose to exercise.If you or your spouse want to change your surname after marriage take a certified copy of your marriage license to any organization that you need to notify, such as the ones listed below.

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