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We implement MapLite on a full-scale autonomous vehicle and exhaustively test it on over 15 km of road including over 100 autonomous intersection … %%EOF This video shows a demonstration of the MapLite system which allows autonomous navigation without the detailed prior maps typically used in autonomous vehicles. However, outside of small urban areas, it is very challenging to build, store, and transmit detailed maps since the spatial scales are so large. 101� 1�.� ��8� �2p\ ��G�C� B�Oq Autonomous Vehicle Navigation in Rural Environments without Detailed Prior Maps Teddy Ort 1, Liam Paull;2, Daniela Rus Abstract—State-of-the-art autonomous driving systems rely heavily on detailed and highly accurate prior maps. h�bbd```b``Q��A$����`Y�8i�D�ʃH��`]� �YL��Ie �h7�v����A$S��� "e^�����+dڿQL@Wu����8IF���mß����� @� 83� %PDF-1.6 %����

251 0 obj <> endobj This enables the system to plan trajectories that correctly navigate road intersections without the use of an external localization system such as GPS or a detailed prior map. Autonomous Vehicle Navigation in Rural Environments without Detailed Prior Maps (MIT) Self-driving technology for back roads May 15th, 2018 - By: Technical Paper Link endstream endobj startxref h�b```�����@��(��������\����С�c ��ҝ��l�L}�������������;"��f�~(��S�L�֖$�]=��eGӚ��Cz+� endstream endobj 252 0 obj <>]>>/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 247 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 253 0 obj <> endobj 254 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 255 0 obj <>stream A Toyota Prius used in real-world runs of the MapLite system Since the topometric maps already exist for the vast majority of roads, this solution greatly increases the geographical scope for autonomous mobility solutions. 275 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1D655C24B58D5315A1D87C4738538511><168E1169BFE9B64C83220B91B855D81D>]/Index[251 116]/Info 250 0 R/Length 126/Prev 575393/Root 252 0 R/Size 367/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream

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