Maire as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Maire is "star of the sea". Between 1880 and 2019 there were 2,057 births of Maire in the countries below, which represents an average of 15 births of children bearing the first name Maire per year on average throughout this period. See also Mairin, Maureen, Moira Máire is the Irish Gaelic form of the name Mary. An anagram is a word that contains the same letters of another word. Maire is also a derivative of Mayra (Irish, Latin). Máirín, Molly. Maire is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. On the last available year for each country, we count 16 births.

Listen and learn how to pronounce Maire so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish girl name. Famous real-life people named Maire. Meanings and history of the name Maire. These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Maire. Form of Mary, pronounced "MOY-ra" To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account.You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Maire on Nameberry. Maire is also a Finnish female name. It can be spelled phonetically as Maura, Moira, or Moya. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Maire. I've definitely said ''What a mare!''

If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Maire, try our Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community.Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community.I just think of a nightmare.
Both Maire and Mare have begun making inroads with parents seeking novel yet authentic ways of honoring an ancestral Mary. Máire was the pen name of the Irish … Meaning of the Irish name Maire. Maire is an alternate form of Mare (Irish, Latin): variation of Mary. Maire name meaning, Australian baby Girl name Maire meaning,etymology, history, presonality details. far too many times to count.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Here is the list of first names which are an anagram of An anacyclic is a word or phrase that can be read in the normal sense of reading or in the opposite direction. The name Maire is a girl's name of Irish origin meaning "bitter". In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Maire is: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Here is the list of names that are anonymous of the given name All information about the baby names on this website come from various official data and open dataThe country where the first name Maire is the most common is:This first name has 5 letters including 3 vowels and 2 consonants Maire and Marie are anagrams of each other; they contain the same letters.

MEANING: The name that was used in Ireland for Our Lady was Muire and interestingly, her name was so honored that it was rarely used as a first name until the end of the fifteenth century. Maire Rhyming, similar names and popularity. Personal experiences with the name Maire Nicknames for Maire. The name Maire means Of The Sea Or Bitter and is of Irish origin. Version Française disponible ici Prénom Maire Available variant : M á ire Variations : Mair, Moira, Moïra Would you like to follow Maire?Both Maire and Mare have begun making inroads with parents seeking novel yet authentic ways of honoring an ancestral Mary. 16 names similar to Maire These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Maire. The name Maire is a Hebrew Baby Names baby name.

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